Monday, December 31, 2007
Happy New Year!

Sunday, December 30, 2007
Right Time, Right Place

There's something else about this picture as well, perhaps it's the humanizing nature of seeing someone doing something that everyone does. Sometimes perhaps we forget that those unusually attractive people we see in the media who we idolize are just people too, like you and me. Watching someone going about their daily activities is such voyeuristic fun. I can't tell you how many times I've made girlfriends late for work because they turned me on so much watching them get dressed!
Friday, December 28, 2007
Get It!

Hola Readers! How was your Christmas? Hope you all had a delightful time. Speaking of delightful, how about the panty of the day? Don't you love the color combination, the exquisite lacy ruffles, the silky stretchy nylon center panel and that cute bow at the top of the waistband. Lovely panties! Now if I just knew who makes them I could march down to the store and buy a pair or two. I wonder what the back looks like. What do you guys think? Full back, tanga, thong, or G? I think tanga or fullback would be a good match.
So what did all my bad little girls and boys get for Christmas this year? I hope it was silky and sexy! If you didn't get (or give) that special piece of lingerie you've been wanting, feel free to head down to the mall and buy it. Most stores are having pretty good sales right now, so it's a great time to go and stock up on some panties. If ya want it...get it!
Monday, December 24, 2007
Happy Holidays!
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Two Days Left

Friday, December 21, 2007
Last Chance

Hello Readers! Congrats, you made it to the weekend! I imagine many of you have or will be going home early today from work...woo hoo! In the pic of the day, Mrs Claus is giving you a naughty look, you must have been very bad! ;^) It's your last chance to get that holiday shopping done. Be brave, the crowds will be massive and often unfriendly! Don't forget to pick up some delicates for your loved one (or yourself, wink wink), then you can be naughty AND nice. Have a great weekend!
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Links to the Outside World

As part of my new trend toward being more accessible and open with my readers here, I went ahead and put a link up in my profile where you can e-mail me. My hope is that some of you who are too shy to post comments will be able to reach me that way if they feel like it. Hope to hear from you!
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Out of the Drawer

Hola readers! How is your week going so far? Hang in there, the long weekend is nearing. The panty of the day is a lacy Brazil cut. Notice the way it accentuates her curves? Yeah, thought you did! Not sure of the maker of these, but they look very lovely, wouldn't mind owning a set for my own collection!
Longtime readers of The Badside already know about my near lifelong addiction to everything panty. You probably also know how much I enjoy wearing them when the mood suits. At the risk of scaring off some of my readership, and in keeping with the mission spirit of this blog, I thought I should tell you my avatar is indeed a picture of your's truly. I was going to tell you all a lot sooner, but I guess I chickened out. Feel free to comment, good or bad, I'd like to know what you're thinking.
Well, I think that's probably quite enough to drop on ya for one day! See ya again real soon.
Monday, December 17, 2007
It's All In the Mind

Thursday, December 13, 2007
Camisole Cutie

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Hey Everyone! How is your week going? Just a couple more days left 'til the weekend. Today's pic should help you get through it all. Posted for your enjoyment is the beautiful Cheryl Burke from Maxim's Online site. Somehow that bra and panty combo doesn't exactly match for me, but each one taken individually is extremely hot. You guessed it, most of my concentration is on those delectable panties! They look so thin and light, like they just might melt off of her curvaceous body, or in my mouth! HAWT!
Went to the mall the other night to get some shopping in. Went by the anchor department store and snuck upstairs to where they have the lingerie section. I was sorely disappointed with the selection of panties! Such boring drivel and rehash. Putting witty commentary on a panty is OK, but that's for everyday panties and such, where the heck is all the glamorous, glitzy, sexy stuff? A major let down. There were exactly NO panties like those pictured in today's post. When I go to the lingerie department, I want my heart to pound so hard it feels like you can see it through my shirt because I'm so excited to see the ultra sexy merchandise. Come on designers, let's put the glamor back in lingerie!
Monday, December 10, 2007

Today's pictures are the front and back cover of yet another issue of Panty Play magazine. I bought a string of these for a while, not missing an issue for about two years or so. They only would come out with a new one every other month, so it was pretty easy to keep up. I wonder if they're still bimonthly or if they stepped it up to 12 issues a year. I can imagine that the internet has cut into the printed porn industry pretty deeply. There's something nice about being able to hold a book or magazine in your hands and read it in any room of your house instead of being anchored to your computer. Plus, I don't know what your situation is, but jacking off (or janeing off for you ladies) in front of the computer is not really very comfortable or easy to do.
Have a great week everyone, and don't forget to relax!
PS: Shay just posted a nice Holiday related piece over at the S Spot, right on topic! Have a peek here.
Saturday, December 08, 2007
A Change of Pace

Hola Readers! How is your weekend shaping up so far? It's been pretty cold around here lately, so I rented a movie and stayed in last night. The movie was "Disturbia", a thriller about murder in suburbia. It was a fun watch, no panties, but some nice bikini footage of the neighbor girl at the swimming pool. The movie is sort of about voyeurism and we get to watch the main character watching other people and see his reactions. Long time readers know I don't usually post much bra related material, but I found this pic surfing the web and thought it irresistible. I love the sheer ruffled fringe around the top, the cute bow and that cinched lightly padded material on the cups, plus the soft pastel pink, very nice. I only wish I could see the matching panties! Oh, now those would be spectacular!
Have a great weekend everyone! See ya soon!
Wednesday, December 05, 2007

One ad that stuck out for me was for the PJ's. In most panty and lingerie fetishist's fevers, PJ's are often overlooked or forgotten. Well, let me tell you that they really shouldn't be on the bottom of your shopping list. Why, you ask? Well, for one reason, if you give a gift of PJ's, it's a sweet gesture that may not have a sexual connotation or expectation. They are an article of clothing that although intimate in some ways are also comfortable and sensible. Now, think about it, what better way to get someone in the mood, then to make them feel comfortable? Every night can't be wild monkey sex night now can it? No, of course not. PJ's say that you care about the other parts of your lady, you want her to feel relaxed and unwound. What's cuter than your lady in her jammies, curled up on the couch with her mug of cocoa, reading her book and waiting for you to sit down next to her so she can put her head on your shoulder? So, in closing today's post, I remind all you holiday shoppers to remember the PJ's while you're over in the intimates section of the store!
Monday, December 03, 2007
Lingerie Floating in the Air?

That's all for now, have a great week, and don't forget to set your recorders!
PS: I took Sheen's beer test and I'm "Bud Light", see results below. Actually, it was pretty right for me, although I tend to like the lighter beers that some drinkers think of as "watery". I don't usually like to drink dark, heavy beer as it has too much sugar and gives me a headache later on. Got nothing against dark beer taste wise (they usually do have stronger flavor), but I find the lighter beers to be more refreshing and less filling.
You Are Bud Light

You're not fussy when it comes to beer. If someone hands it to you, you'll drink it.
In fact, you don't understand beer snobbery at all. It all tastes the same once you're drunk!
You're an enthusiastic drinker, and you can often be found at your neighborhood bar.
You're pretty good at holding your liquor too - you've had lots of experience.
Sunday, December 02, 2007

Well, that's it for now. Stay warm everyone, see ya soon!
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
DVD Review

Howdy Readers! How was your holiday? Hope it all went great for ya! I enjoyed some turkey and all the fixins'...scrumptious! I attended the local auto show which always coincides with the Thanksgiving weekend. I love looking at the new cars, sitting in them and smelling that new car smell! Sorry, no panty news to report from the show, although there were some very attractive ladies there with the cars. The ladies at the car show are dressed much more conservatively than their counterparts at the bike shows.
Thought I'd throw in a DVD review today. The movie as you can see is titled "For the Love of Pleasure". It's another "classic" porno from the late seventies or early eighties I'd guess. It was actually filmed as though it was a real movie and so there is a plot and story. Most of the ladies are very beautiful and really seem to enjoy their on camera "acting". The main character is a man named Simon, played by porn legend Jamie Gillis. Simon is a scumbag. The film starts out with him prowling the streets of San Francisco, stealing a car, then sneaking up a fire escape into an unlocked window to rob the residents. The resident is a large chested woman who awakes during the break in and pulls a gun on Simon. She tells him to come nearer and upon inspection decides that she can have some fun. They have a nice romp on the bed, and before poor Simon can shoot his wad the clock strikes 1 AM and the lady's hubby comes home from work. She hears him coming up the stairs and tells Simon to split, but Simon can't since he's about to cum. He shoots his wad just before the door opens and grabs his clothes and begins to run. The door opens and the husband shouts "WTF is going on here?" at which point wifey decides to shoot scumbag Simon in the back, killing him and yelling out "rape".
Cut to the afterlife and Simon is greeted on cloud nine by the beautiful Annette Haven (a woman with near perfect breasts, I might add), who proceeds to train Simon on how to pleasure a woman. Simon goes on to fuck every fantasy girl he has ever dreamed of including a rich socialite type and a virgin cheerleader. At the end of the film there is a twist as (I doubt I'd be ruining it for you, but if you don't want to know, skip to the next paragraph), Simon finds out he is actually not in Heaven at all, but in Hell and the devil, by making him fuck everything in sight has taken away that pleasure from him and made sex a boring and tedious task.
Why on Earth did I choose this movie, you ask? Let me take you back to my childhood. I was in maybe 8th grade or so, hanging out with my cousin and his buddy David. His buddy David has an older brother who of course had some pornos on tape. Dave snuck some out and we watched them in amazement and wonder. This was one of those movies he brought out that fine summer afternoon. I had remembered it with rose colored glasses on and when the opportunity came along, I bought my own copy on tape years later. The video tape I got was a truncated version, missing some of the most kinky and delightful aspects that made the original so good. Gone was the shooting of Simon (OK, now the movie makes no sense at all), gone was the rich lady's long strand pearl necklace being slowly pulled from her vagina, and on and on. Apparently, the censors had scared the crap out of the porn industry during the 90's with their witch hunts and the result was editing such as this.
When I saw that the movie was finally on DVD after many years, I looked for a review and as far as I could find, those long lost scenes had been restored in all their original glory. I HAD to see for myself, and that my friends is what brought me to this movie in particular. You are wondering, I suppose, were those scenes there, restored for my kinky sexual delight? The answer is YES! There is a catch to it all though, and that is the over all quality of the transfer to DVD. I don't know what source material they used for the master, but the quality is HORRIBLE! It's almost unwatchable at some points. Trying getting off to a picture that is completely washed out and over saturated, it ain't the greatest turn on. My OLD VHS version of this movie (which I still own), is BETTER than this DVD in terms of picture quality...MUCH better! So loyal readers, I will leave you with this half enthusiastic review. The movie is in my opinion one of the greatest porn flix ever put to celluloid (yes it's a true film, not a video), but the transfer to DVD is far less than desirable. A film of this caliber deserves much better, so I can't endorse you wasting your hard earned dough on this DVD. Perhaps if you all write in to the company and complain, they'll take it seriously and do a new transfer, one that is worthy of the material. BTW, the cover has nothing to do with the movie at all, not sure where the original went, but that is not it.
Well, that'll do it for today. Hope you all have a great week, see ya soon!
Monday, November 19, 2007
German Yellow Naughtiness

Welkomen Readers! How was your weekend? Getting prepared for your Thanksgiving? The picture of the day is from the German version of GQ magazine. Everyone's favorite girl to love/hate is the subject matter on the cover. I always think it's remarkable that someone can be famous for being famous and for no other reason, but that's a whole other discussion. Anyway, the artists over there at the magazine have selected a delectable, mouth watering pair of yellow ruffled panties. The panties mixed with the teddy bear are a nice combo that make the whole set up seem naughty, always a good thing.
Had a good time at the motorcycle show over the weekend. They had some pretty girls there modeling at the displays. One girl in particular caught my eye, a brunette beauty. They had her wearing a tight red top with a very tight and short black skirt. When she sat down on the stool at the display, you could almost see her panties, but not quite. Anyway, I'm never one to stare, so perhaps if I kept looking I would have gotten a nice peek, but I didn't see any panty. Well, have a great short week everyone!
PS: Not sure what happened to my catalog pictures from a few posts ago, they seem to have disappeared somehow. Maybe the company complained and they got pulled? Anyone know about this stuff?
Friday, November 16, 2007
V for ?

Now if I could find a playful lass who would like to have some dress up fun with me, I'll be one happy camper! Have a great weekend everyone!
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Car Show Chick

I attended a car show a few weekends ago. It was pretty kool, lots of auto eye candy to see. Not sure if any of you are car buffs, but I've been to a few car shows over the years. At this one there were some car model girls standing by some of the cars. I wish I'd had my camera because there was one girl in particular who really took my breath away. She was wearing a naughty schoolgirl outfit complete with the ULTRA short plaid skirt. I couldn't turn away from looking at her, she was SO sexy! There was a bunch of guys taking her picture too, many of who were kneeling down in front of her, I'm sure getting a wonderful view of her panties! Best of all she didn't mind at all and was really playing it up for the cameras. Ah, such a nice memory for me to lock away in the brain for later!
Monday, November 12, 2007
The Catalog

Notice the hint of bra showing there on the cover? Whoever took that picture sure knows the art of tease! Great shot!
I've personally never bought lingerie at Nordstrom, but I can testify to having seen some very nice lingerie behind their doors. They tend to carry slightly upscale underthings than some of the other stores. If there's a Nordstrom near you, have a look, I'm sure you'll find something you'll like. Well, that's it for now, hope you all have a great week.
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
Just a Hint
G'day mates! Hope you all are having a great week. Found this picture recently, and knew I had to post it here for all of you. I love these teasing shots like this one where you just see a little of the panty peeking out the top of her pants. It's so voyeuristic to get a little hint of panty like that. Things that turn me on about this pic? First of all, white panties are my favorite color. Second, love the cute little bow. Third, lacy satin panties! Lastly, I just love being teased, so just a hint of panty can keep my attention for a very long time. Chime in with your opinions, yes, no maybe?
Went to a house party a few weeks back and drank WAY too much. It's hard to stop drinking when you get past a certain point I guess. Anyway, as usual there was a line waiting to use the toilet, so I checked the master bedroom, BINGO, there was a master bathroom in there. The hostess of the party was a real cutie, so I was hoping maybe she'd left a pair of her undies laying around for me to inspect. NO, I didn't plan it out that way, either. Anyway, there were no panties to be found, too bad! Well, had a good time, just would have been SO much better if I had only found some panties!
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Thongs for Justice

Hey Everyone! It's just before the witching hours when all the little ghost and ghouls come out to grab candy. Stopping in for a quick post for ya. Pic of the day is a thong being sold by that lady who is being sued for downloading music off the internet illegally. If ya ask me, I think the music companies are really doing themselves a disservice going around suing the little guys. They really need to rethink the whole music sales channels and come up with some solutions instead of thinking they can just sue their problems away in court. I'm still a dinosaur who buys CDs (the music kind, not cross dressers!) on "New Music Tuesdays", so I guess I'm in the minority, but I gotta tell ya, I'd be buying a lot more if the prices dropped to say $5 an album. I mean how can DVD movies be down to the $5 to 10 range and music CDs be $18 when not on sale? Anyway, here's a link to her sales site if ya want to support her.
I was browsing Sheen's links today and came across a new one (to me anyway) that really tickled my feather. It's called "A Slip of a Girl" and from what I read, is very well written. I only had time to read a couple of her more recent posts, but I liked what I saw. She had one about her hubby wearing panties posted on Sunday, October 28th, LOVED it! Anyway, have a look over there, I've added a link to her blog over there on the right. Well, have a great evening, hope you're homes don't get "Tricked"!
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Happy Halloween!

PS:The small pics are from Playboy's site where you can buy your lovely one some sexy costumes, that BTW are good for fun all year around!
Sunday, October 28, 2007
The Big Easy

Reading PM's latest postings brought back a memory of my own. It was a cold and windy night down in the Big Easy. This was pre-Katrina so everything was still going good there. I was staying in a hotel near the famous French Quarters right near the casino. Of course me and my buddy would wander over to the casino at least once a day to check it out. I've never been much of a card player, but I enjoy a few games of chance now and again. It was late, maybe one or two hours past midnight, I'd had a few drinks and was enjoying a game of blackjack. A woman came and sat next to me. She was pretty, a brunette, I would guess she was in her mid thirties, slightly overweight, but attractive overall. We made some small talk, and right away I knew she'd had a few drinks before sitting down. What I didn't realize was just how drunk she really was. She actually fell off her stool, twice if I remember right. I helped her back up onto the stool of course. After a while, I decided to call it a night and went to the restroom. On my way back out toward the door, I noticed the girl was gone from the table. When I neared the exit, I spotted her near the door, there were two scum bag types hanging around her and trying to talk her up, hoping to get laid or rip her off I'm sure. She was obviously not interested in them and was trying to get rid of them. I quickened my pace and walked up to her and said "There you are" and grabbed her arm (she was walking unsteadily). She smiled at me, looking quite relieved and gave me a big hug. The two guys looked at each other and then walked off into the casino somewhere. I asked her if she was alright and decided to take her across the street to my hotel to sober up and rest. She agreed and we began walking across the street, but she changed her mind and wanted to go to her hotel instead. After a block or so, it became clear she didn't know which way her hotel was. Luckily, I was able to flag down a cab and I put her in and made sure the guy knew where to take her. I never saw her again, but sometimes I wonder if she remembers me.
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
World Series

Welcome Readers! Can't believe it's midweek already. The World Series is starting up tonight, should be a good one too. Stopped in here to post a quickie for ya. The panty pic of the day is of pop celeb Lindsey Lohan. Here we get a nice shot of her changing into some panties. I find this type of shot extremely erotic even though there is really nothing showing but her panties around her ankle. I think it has something to do with the voyeuristic quality of the situation. Like looking into a fish tank and observing the fish as they go about their daily lives, here we are spying on her and seeing something we wouldn't normally get to watch. By the looks of the panties themselves, I'd guess they are boy cut bikinis with what looks like a ruffled edge, but then again that could just be me projecting my lustful wishes onto her panties (hey, that sounds dirty!).
Ok, that'll do it for today, class dismissed. Now go get your icy cold beer and some snacks and get ready for the game! Play Ball!
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Weekend Update

Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Amusement Park

I went to an amusement park over the weekend. Rode a bunch of roller coasters, what a blast! I guess I'm an adrenaline junkie because I really get off on roller coasters (uh, not literally ;^) ). There's something about getting the crap scared out of you that's just so much fun! I get a really strong rush of adrenaline when I buy panties too, so I guess that explains a lot about my addiction to them. Lots of cuties at the amusement park, but most of the girls were in their late teens so not really my thing (felt guilty even looking at them). Most of the women were with their boyfriends, s/o or kids even. I was there for the roller coasters anyway, but sure is nice to take in some sites while there. Saw a lot of thongs sticking out of waistbands, but no upskirts to report, sorry to disappoint you all. Well, have a great week everyone, see ya soon.
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
What's On TV?

I've been watching Dancing With the Stars again now that the new season has begun. I love the ladies outfits, SO sexy! Even without the outfits though, I enjoy watching the show. I know, I know, please don't judge me, it's a guilty pleasure, a very secret guilty pleasure! ;^) Seriously though, it is a lot of fun to watch. Well, have a great week, I'm outta here for a couple of days, see ya soon!
Friday, October 05, 2007
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
Hello World!

So how have you all been? Hope things have been going well out there. I've been meaning to get in here and put down some postings, but didn't seem to be able to get to it lately. I think I may need to do a clean sweep and get reorganized as things are slowing me down a lot. Anyway, the weather is getting colder and the days shorter, so I guess we'll be seeing less and less of those short skirts that we love. I was at the mall recently and it was just bustling with beauties. I think I almost got whiplash from looking all around! No panty sightings to report, sorry. Have a great week everyone!
Monday, September 10, 2007
Thinking Straight?

They say you should never go to the grocery store when you are hungry or you'll end up buying way too much food and things you don't really need (or shouldn't be eating). It's probably the same with porn. That is to say, when you're horny, it's probably a good idea to stay away from porn sites or you'll end up spending money on stuff you don't really need. I ordered a couple of movies the other day when I was feeling frisky. While I'm sure I'll enjoy watching them, I probably wasn't of a clear mind when I ordered them. I'll write a review here for you after I've watched them. Have a good week everyone!
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
New Flickr Page

It's been pretty hot around here lately which usually means ladies dressed accordingly. It really seems to bring them out when it's hot (which makes it even hotter!). Anyway, haven't really gotten any good peeks in anywhere, although there was one girl on a bicycle who if she had just moved a little more to the side would have given me a wonderful view of her panties, so close and yet so far!
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
The Return

Woo-hoo! I'm back everybody! Actually I got back last week, but I had some catching up to do before I could get in here, apologies to any that were waiting. The panty of the day is one I found on someone's flicker page through some circuitous route that I can't quite fully recall. At any rate, I find it to be quite amusing and tantalizing at the same time. The pink piping around the legs and waist are a nice touch and I love that little illustration of the female reproductive system, ingenious really! There's a smaller pic of someone wearing a pair too. I'm not sure if they sell these or what, but for the web address click here.
So how have you all been? I hope that you've been having a good summer, especially now that it's almost over. :^( I'll be around more now, so please check back here soon for more of your badside updates!
Thursday, August 16, 2007
A Short Hiatus

Welcome Everyone! Hope all is going well out there. Things have been pretty busy for me lately and thus the lack of postings. Don't worry, I haven't forgotten you. As evidence I present the panty of the day. A Vanity Fair Nylon and Spandex full back bikini with lace panels on the front. The material is quite thick and stretchy, yet smooth to the touch. These are what I would consider to be classic in style, and despite the fact that I bought them years ago, I think they are still available at finer department stores near you. If you don't have these, you should go out and buy a pair or four.
In other news, I'll be taking a little vacation so I won't be around for a little while. Hopefully this break will do me some good and my mind can relax a little. Until I see you again, have a wonderful time, enjoy yourselves and DO get your panties in a bunch, it's fun!
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
More Movie Panties
Bonjour mon amis! Hope you all are having a good week, almost to the weekend. The pictures today come courtesy of a film I mentioned in a past post, "Behind the Mask: The Rise of Leslie Vernon". This film is very well made and a lot of fun if you're into the whole horror genre. It's a comedy aimed squarely at the slasher movie. As you can see, there is a wonderful scene where a lovely young victim is being chased and runs up the ladder in the barn to hide. Whoever set up the shot is paying homage to the past horror movies where we are teased by the cute and horny female victims. It's a dark scene (night) so you might have to squint a little to see. Thought you'd all enjoy these.
PM pointed out that the results of that poll are indeed listed via a link on the poll's page. Have a look, it's very interesting to see the results. It's hard to fully interpret the results though, as we don't know who answered what to each question, but as a whole, still interesting to see. It seems many of the girls knew who it was who stole their panties, and were also curious as to what the thief did with them.
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