I seem to go through periods of panty hording. That is, I go a little crazy and buy a bunch of panties at once. I just went through one not too long ago where I bought about 3 garter belts and a bunch of panties. These panty binges are usually followed by a guilt period, where I would feel really bad about what I had done. This time however, thanks in large part to the support of my panty friends who read this blog, I don't really feel guilty about what I did. I know that I could have put the money toward something more constructive or practical, but I guess I'm finally embracing the fact that I just love panties and lingerie and since I'm not hurting anyone, there's no real reason to feel bad. If you were to ask any woman what characteristics she looks for in a man, "wearing panties" would not be on the list. I hope that whoever I end up marrying will enjoy my "hobby" as much as I do and encourage or at least indulge me. In the mean time, I will continue my panty fun! Of course, I will probably lay off the buying for a while again as I don't want to end up broke and I don't really have the room for more.
Fortunately panties are small so there's always room for more. I'm glad you suffered less this time. Despite everything, I still feel a little embarrassed when a panty package lands on our doorstep and my wife is the one to get it. Even though she accepts me, I think she gets a little embarrassed by the whole thing, too. I have to rearrange me (giant) top drawer again, as I'm having some trouble shutting the drawer.
My "stash" of new, unworn panties takes up 2/3 of the top shelf in our closet. My guess is that it's 12' across and myybe 15" deep andabout 9" high. Without a doubt there's at least 12 dozen of them. Even with that I still browse eBay every other day. Ain't it wonderful...?
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