The panty of the day today is a very lovely generic store brand full back granny style. These weren't even dignified with a name tag, but if I had to guess, I'd say these I bought from Mervyn's. If you haven't guessed, I buy a lot of my panties there. They have a great selection and often have the fashion styles made for them, so you can get something similar to what you see at Victoria's Secret, but at a much cheaper price. Of course quality can vary wildly, so buyer beware. At any rate, these are very soft and silky and made of 95 percent nylon and 5 percent spandex. They feature a nice stretchy elastic wide lace waistband. Actually, come to think of it, these may actually be some other brand like Bali. I seem to remember one brand that I've bought in the past that didn't put name tags in some of their panties. At any rate, I bought these a long time ago, perhaps up to ten years ago, and they are holding up very well.
It seems like lately, I've been seeing a lot more panty peeks in mainstream media. I was watching "The Fast and the Furious 3" the other day on DVD and near the begining, there is a pretty cheerleader sitting on her boyfriend's Dodge Viper. The camera starts at her knees and the wind kicks up just as the camera reaches her lap, revealing a pretty pink panty under her skirt. In "Slither" also on DVD, the female lead character has on a white slip nighty, which she pulls up at the hip to reveal a white nylon panty. Then, watching the Paris Hilton video for "Nothing In This World", there is another cheerleader shot. There is a row of pretty cheerleaders who give us a nice high kick to reveal their panties. Hopefully, you guys won't think I'm totally insane for watching those things for entertainment! I actually have a taste for pop culture and find this kind of stuff highly entertaining, as much to laugh at as with.
Yeah, you're totally crazy for watching that stuff. But, hey, you're my roving panty reporter, and I'm your crazy panty reader.
I've even noticed the "peeks" starting to show up on network TV. On Monday night, on "Friday Night Lights" there was a shot of this girl getting dressed after some "hanky panky" with her boyfriends best friend. They were white, full bottom bikinis and appeared to have some sort of lace on them. Unfortunatly I've not see all the shows but I also remember a "trailer" advertising an upcoming show a few weeks back in which a girl was seen (ever so quickly) in a pair of peach or orange colored bikinis. Nowadays you just have to keep yoyr eyes open all the time.
Hey "badside"... to answer your question about crinolines from my blog... they were a popular staple for wearing under a girl's skirt in the 50's. If you saw the movie "Grease" and remember the "poodle skirts" that the girls wore... it was a crinoline the made the skirt flare out. For me, they were always a pain. :-)
Ah ha, so that's what crinoline is. Thanks for filling me in. This reporter shall continue to scour the popular media for panties!
Love that pair!
Another panty fan! Welcome pantylog!
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