Welcome Panty Lovers! The panty of the day is a g string skirt bikini. These are a Mervyn's store brand which they didn't bother to give a name or model number to. I have noticed lately a lot of panties of this style around. That is, panties which have a skirt attached to them. An interesting concept to me, I couldn't resist buying these. They are very sexy in my opinion with their soft pink ruffles dangling from the waistband. Also, notice the delicate see through ruffle around the top of the waistband. The hip is split on the right side and is topped with a pretty bow and rhinestone at the waistband. I just love the way the bottom of the skirt area has that feminine ruffling edge to it. The whole skirt is a thicker see through material than what is above the waistband and has a cute heart pattern in it. I recommend these to any of you panty perverts who like the looks of them. These might be still available as I think I bought them about a year or so ago. I was spinning my wheels dating a girl which was going nowhere at all and these helped yours truly get through it all with a smile on my face.
Actually today's topic kind of comes from that final thought from the last paragraph. Basically, I have noticed a pattern to my panty insanity. I seem to use it as an escape mechanism. That is, when I start feeling really stressed out (from work or life), I start thinking about panties and sex. I'll look at porn on the internet or go to the store and buy panties. I guess in a way, panties really are a drug to me, a way to give my brain some relief from the pressures of reality. I'm glad that my addiction is controlable, legal and harmless to myself and others. I can really empathise with those people out there with much worse addictions as I can feel the power of my own compulsions. I can only imagine how hard it must be for someone with a drug habit. The best thing to do is never to try them in the first place, but I suppose that doesn't do any good for all those folks who are already hooked. I wonder if you guys (fellow panty enthusiasts), have used panties in a similar fashion as I have. I guess I should say, that I do enjoy panties on a regular basis, not just when I'm stressed. It is the trying times in life though that seem to bring out my addiction the worst. Most people are much more understanding of drug addicts than they are of panty perverts like me, but they should really be glad since I'm not a danger when I get behind the wheel of a car wearing panties!
Sometimes, when feeling "low" I'll pull out my whole stash just to see what's there. I always feel "refreshed" after doing that.
I've dealt with all sorts of addiction issues over time. Cocaine and cigarettes were the hardest to break. Panties I've never given up, though I've purged a couple of times. This is a great post. Very honest and thoughtful. I ran across a prospectus for a medical study (I don't think they ever ran it) regarding fetishism and will reprint it this week. The author has an interesting theory regarding abnormal EEG's of fetishists. I WILL NEVER QUIT PANTIES.
I have worn panties most of my life. I started when I was 10 years old. My cousin Patty and I played house together and one day she said that she wanted to be the husban and I had to be the wife. I protested but she insisted that I wear her dress and be the wife. I took off my clothing and she pulled her dress off. She was wearing a pair of pink nylon full cut schoolgirl panties with lace around the legs and up both sides. They also had a white bow on each side at the top. I ask her if I hd to wear her panties too and she thought and said yes. I had never worn panties before and I got this funny feeling in the pit of my stomach. She took her panties off and handed them to em. I remember the feeling I had at the time I felt the soft material. I stepped into the panties and pulled them up over my legs. As I pulled them all the way up a strange thing happen. I got an instant hardon. My little prick made the front of the panties bulge out into a tent. Patty noticed this and came over to see what was going on in her panties. She put her fingers in the waist band and pulled it open and looked in. Her surprise was eveident in her face. She then stroked the bulge in the panties as to see if it was real. I will never forget the feeling I got when she did that. My knees almost buckeled with pleasure. I knew from that point on that I was going to love panties and the feeling they gave me. I wear them as much as I can now and love to go panty shopping. I have tried to stop many times but I am so addicted to them that I cant stop. I love the full briefs(Olga, VF, Warner)
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