Speaking of ultra soft panties, Stringlover brought up a very good point the other day on his blog. Panties do seem to get softer as they age. I think this is due to the laundering process breaking down the little fibers. I have several old panties which are quite soft now after having been washed many times. I can't hang dry my panties, so they go in the dryer, on low heat. I think that putting them in the dryer is not good for the panties, as they sometimes start to fall apart. The panties pictured above were very soft from the begining, but I do have others which have gotten very soft with age. There's almost nothing that feels better against the flesh than silky, satiny, nylon panties. It's almost a crime that more women don't take advantage of having such wonderful panties available to them. Why choose a cotton thong when you could wrap yourself in the sexy feeling of a silky panty? Women should embrace they're femininity and wear sexy lingerie. I doubt your boyfriends and husbands would object. My girlfriend in college would surprise me with new panties all the time. Oh, how I loved that girl! It's one of the biggest mistakes of my life that I didn't marry her. Yup, she's the one that got away.
Oh, yes these are right up my alley. Love the color. I have a pair like these. Or I did. I slid them into my wife's drawer and she wears them. Love that bow.
That one may have gotten away, but there are others, my friend.
Keep up the good hunt.
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