Not sure if any of you happened to have caught the TV show "The Loop" on Fox. This show was cancelled unfortunately, due to low ratings. I thought it was kind of funny and had a chance to become better if the writers had more time. Basically it was about a young guy who was just out of college and working at an airline company in the business sector. He lives with his brother and a blond girl who was their friend. His brother is a party type who doesn't take anything seriously and the blond is a little short in the mental category. In addition there is a fourth regular character, another girl, but this one is smart. On one episode, the lead guy comes home to find the smart girl studying for a biology test. To help her study, his brother has drawn various organs on his body with a marker and is naked except that he is wearing the blond's bikini bottoms. The blond spots the brother in her bikini bottoms and comments "Is that what my butt looks like in those? Nice!". I definitely think there must be a panty nut over there at Fox on the writing staff. Hope he continues slipping panty references into the shows! Here's to you panty guy, whoever you are!
Although I like the plain old "vanilla" of white, I've always liked this color panty... especially under a light color pair of slacks.
those are great.
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