Greetings fellow panty enthusiasts! The panty of the day is one of my all time favorites. These are a pair of 100 percent polyester red satin full back bikini panties by Frederick's of Hollywood. These panties are what I would consider a staple for any panty collector. In style, color, and material aspects they are pretty much the classic satin bikini. I bought these about ten years ago, and at that time they were available in just about every color you could think of including pink plaid believe it or not. I own several pairs of these in various colors and am glad I bought extras since they are sadly not available any longer. I really can't understand why they stopped making these as they seem like they would have a lasting appeal, but I guess the mighty thong has slayed all who come in it's path. Yup, panites of this style and material were made by just about all the panty makers at that time, but they are all but gone. I love the elastic gathers around the leg and waist openings and the cute little bows at the front hips. I often hear panty lovers complain about not being able to find this style of panty any more, so if any panty makers or designers are out there reading this, please start making these again.
I've been trying to get on here and make a post for a while, but I've been really busy lately. I was feeling guilty enjoying all of my favorite blogs and not contributing anything back to the community! Anyway, thanks goes out to all of you guys for giving me great reading material to peek at over the long weekend. I saw a pretty girl with a short skirt on the other day. They seem to make those skirts just the right length that it teases the panty lovers of the world. Just short enough that you can imagine that you can almost see those panties, but long enough that it's difficult to acheive that goal. I was wishing I was a mouse, so I could run underneath her and look up at those lovely female curves covered with a lovely panty. I remember one time when I was out on a double date I got a mini skirt peek. I was driving, and went by to pick up my buddy's date last. She had on a really short skirt and when she got in the back seat of the car, she decided to scoot over to the seat behind me. When she did, her legs opened up and I got a really good look at her pantied crotch. It was quite lovely, but sadly, she had on a pair of white cotton panties. Although it could have been much better, I still enjoyed the view!
Two comments on your post... First: on the changes the manufacturers feel are necessary, I only wish I'd had the foresight to buy more of some of the panties I loved. As you probably know I'm an old bloke who lives in the past. I love the old fasioned "granny panties and prefer white and pastel colors. But, as I look back on some of my old purchases and realize now just how wonderful they were and compare them to what's available today I just shake my head in disgust. I guess that with the advent of the thong I should be happy that "granny panties" are still available.
Second: As to being either a mouse or a bird, I'll take either. I consider myself to be pretty much an expert in the field of "panty peeking" I've written but a few of my panty peeking experiences in my blog "FANCY PANTIES" because of time and space limitations. Not to brag but while in the 9th and 10th grades I felt the day was a failure if I didn't get at least one a day. That's not to say I didn't get caught because I did. But it didn't stop me. Now, as you so aptly stated, the short skirts of today rarely give off the opportunity to get that ever elusive peek. However, if you keep looking, eventually the opportunity will present itself.
What makes me sad is all the lovely little bikinis I purged over the years. They're just not available anymore, neither the styles nor the fabric. Not too long ago, the stores used to overflow with panties like these, all desirable. Now, nothing. At least that interests me. If I had any idea where things were going, I would have bought more and kept more.
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