Aloha panty lovers! The panty of the day is a vintage Maidenform hipster in a pastel mint green color. These are style number 40214 and I believe are 100 percent Nylon although I couldn't find it on the tag. These are very old, from the seventies I think and are a highly prized part of my collection. They have a very smooth and light feel to them and believe it or not, the elastic is still stretchy! They have wonderful lace edging around the leg and waist openings. The picture didn't really capture the color very well, but try to imagine a pale pastel green. I actually own two pairs of these, the other is a white pair. The picture also looks a little yellow around the crotch, but although these are in fact used panties, they are the same pastel color all over, not pee stained yellow (sorry to diasappoint you PM). If you find these on Ebay or somewhere, I recommend that you snap them up immediately, you won't regret it.
I have been collecting panties for a long time now. I also have been buying garter belts and stockings for quite a while now too. In fact, I have a good amount of garter belts, but I've never really bought anything beyond those particular items. Recently I received a new piece of lingerie. It's a nylon half slip with a lacy trim. I'm not sure what triggered the thought in me, but while browsing the lingerie, it suddenly occured to me that a nylon slip would probably feel fantastic against my skin. Well the good news is that I was absolutely right! If you have never tried one of these, you owe it to yourself to get one. It's hard to describe, but imagine the silky feel of panties, loosely enveloping your sensitive skin in a yard of material. The feeling is amazing. The ladies have been keeping this to themselves, but the cat is out of the bag now, go get yourself a slip, you'll love it.
Definitely my kind of panties. Surprised i don't own them already.
I find it amazing how the elastic on some panties last and on others they dont. I've got well over 100 brand new, never worn panties that are at least 30 years old, and the elastics are still perfect. I've had some that olny lasted but a few years. Four of my most favorite lost the waist elastic but I managed to salvage them by replacing it. I know that compromised their integrity but I didn't care.
I'm definitely enjoying your posts. Please keep it up.
I've got several slips and garter belts and they feel nice on me but . . . oh, never mind.
I think I know what you were thinking Cherrie. I would never claim to actually look good (in or out of a slip) ;^P I guess I should have emphasized that the slip is a great tactile experience for me, not visual. Probably would scare off a one eyed bear if it saw me!
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