Hola Readers! I apologize for the long hiatus, just needed to get my head straight as life has been a little haywire lately. OK, the noggin isn't really right, but then again, I doubt it ever was or will be. To distract you all, I've posted the above pic. Lovely, no?! The pic comes from a place that you lingerie fanatics will want to bookmark. It's a company that makes all sorts of naughty lingerie that will make your mouth water, Leg Avenue. Just take a peek at the "Role Play" section of goodies...I could go insane thinking of the fun!
Are any of you fight fans? Did you happen to catch the Kimbo fight last Sat? What a let down. I haven't seen anything that bad since that Tyson fight back in the day. Anyway, I have to say that I was somehow turned on by the two ladies who fought one another. One is pretty and thus dubbed the face of MMA (Mixed Martial Arts), the other looked more like the tough chick who knows how to take care of herself. They were both a turn on, but somehow, the less attractive girl seemed like she might be hotter in the sack. Maybe it was her attitude, I loved the pre fight scowl she gave the camera. She looks like she can take it rough and hard, that's something not all girls can do. I think a lot of women make the mistake of thinking they must look like Charlize Theron and weigh not one pound more than Kate Moss or men won't find them attractive. Wrong! I can't speak for all guys, but I'd say the majority of us like all kinds of women. What one man deems unattractive another calls exotic (or erotic). It mostly boils down to attitude and demeanor (and perhaps her lingerie collection and whether she minds sharing it with me...;^P ).
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