Hola My Friends! How was your extended weekend? I hope everyone had a fun, relaxing and safe time. I had some fun, watched "Wall-E" (great movie BTW) and took in some sun, enjoyed margaritas and sangrias, yum, and best of all saw lots of pretty girls. In case you are wondering, I'm still in my holding pattern, 39 days worth of jism is captive in my aching balls, waiting for release. I almost came a few times, but was able to fight it off, although considerable amounts of precum was excreted from my cock, oozing out of it's engorged head.
Some of you may have noticed that I've added a new link to my short list there on the right. The new addition being a wonderful blog known as "Lust Puddle" (don't cha love that name?) and written by a very intelligent and sexy person, Jezebel Vontizzle. Have a look see if you get a chance, it's a very good place to spend some time. I have actually found many interesting people out here in blog land and through them have learned a lot about love, life, myself, sexuality, etc. One thing that has always been a turn on to me is raw sexuality. I love women who are uninhibited and don't give a rat's ass what other people think. I know blogs are a great way to let yourself go, part of my reason for doing a blog was to do just that and show myself, warts and all. The purpose was multi fold. For one, to exorcise my own demons, feeling bad about my fetish (wink wink) and also to help those who have similar fetishes or feelings regarding their own fetish. Yes, I hope that you all can get a little lift from my postings. I admit that my own fetish ain't for everyone, but it's something I enjoy and doubt I could stop it even if I wanted to. My hope in showing my little butt in drag was to excite and entice some ladies who maybe wouldn't have thought a guy's butt could look sexy in a panty, maybe open a few minds to new possibilities, hopefully that mission was accomplished.
Getting back to my topic, women with pure, raw sexuality, one lady in particular comes to mind; queen of all porn stars, Marilyn Chambers. To me she epitomizes what a sexual creature could be if one was pure and untainted by outside opinions. For those who are unfamiliar with her, she was once the Ivory Soap girl, gracing the box cover with her lovely face. Then she got into porn. Just imagine the fresh faced girl next door being in a hard core fuck film! It was outrageous back in the early 70's. Women were just starting to get some glimpse of sexual parity with men and not having to have guilty feelings over it.
She opened many doors for women. She had interracial sex, lesbian sex, anal sex, bondage and S and M sex, multiple partner sex all on film and all considered taboo at the time. You name it, I'm sure she tried it, and didn't blush one time in the process, bravo Marilyn! I've read many times that her orgasms on film were not faked and that she truly enjoyed the fuckings she received, it showed too. In the many years that have passed since she brought porn out into the public eye and made it OK for the masses, there have been many women to tease us in front of the cameras, but in my opinion, there was never anyone quite like her.
She had lovely small breasts and a natural looking body. No tattoos or strange piercings, just a clean canvas to work with. Her pussy and tits screamed out to be touched. Her enthusiasm was always readily apparent on screen as she pleasured men and women from head to toe. And off screen it was even better, she never turned her back on what she had done in the past like many people do, suddenly feeling they have to be moral because they had kids, a new career or uppity neighbors or something. She was so open and honest, lovely and refreshing qualities to see in anyone, let alone in a person famous for fucking. If I had a time machine, I wish I could go back to those days and fuck her. Her persona embodies everything I crave and love about sex. I was too young to have seen her stuff when it was new, but in the years I have been watching porn (a bunch), I have come to be a real fan of not just her work, but the way she lives her life. No regrets. Not many can say that, especially me, as I tend to beat myself mercilessly for every mistake made. Anyway, I still remember fucking my girlfriend to a video tape we got from somewhere. The film was "Insatiable" and it turned us both on immensely. I'll try and do a write up on that film sometime soon. Oh, and in case you're wondering, yes, that's Marilyn pictured above.