Welcome Readers! How is your week going so far? Well, it's two days 'til Valentine's Day, so you still have time for some last minute shopping or planning. Are you the go out to dinner for two type or the stay in and cook a romantic candle lit meal? Or maybe I should ask what type is SHE?!! Anyway, if you're staying in, you've gotta get yourself some kind of mood music and perhaps a movie for after dinner. Of course, Tranformers or Die Hard 4 might be your choice, but maybe a chick flick would get her in the mood a little better eh? I really enjoyed "How to Lose a Guy in 10 Dates" with that adorable Kate Hudson as the leading lady, good one.
Speaking of chick flicks, I watched one recently called "Suburban Girl" starring Sarah Michelle Gellar of "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" fame. Heck just her creds from Buffy was enough to make me want to watch it. The writing here is well done, although the pacing was a bit slow and the casting of the lead male was good, but somewhat unbelievable as a love interest to me. There's some panty content in there too, which is why I mention the film to you here. In one scene pictured above, our leading lady decides her outfit is not quite right and circles back to her front door for a quick change (probably a body double since we don't see her face in the away shot). Then there's the scene where she talks to her friend the lingerie designer about her personal life while said friend is fitting a pair of panties on a model. Lastly, we have the moving in scene where she places her intimates into, where else, the top drawer!