Hey Everyone! It's just before the witching hours when all the little ghost and ghouls come out to grab candy. Stopping in for a quick post for ya. Pic of the day is a thong being sold by that lady who is being sued for downloading music off the internet illegally. If ya ask me, I think the music companies are really doing themselves a disservice going around suing the little guys. They really need to rethink the whole music sales channels and come up with some solutions instead of thinking they can just sue their problems away in court. I'm still a dinosaur who buys CDs (the music kind, not cross dressers!) on "New Music Tuesdays", so I guess I'm in the minority, but I gotta tell ya, I'd be buying a lot more if the prices dropped to say $5 an album. I mean how can DVD movies be down to the $5 to 10 range and music CDs be $18 when not on sale? Anyway, here's a link to her sales site if ya want to support her.
I was browsing Sheen's links today and came across a new one (to me anyway) that really tickled my feather. It's called "A Slip of a Girl" and from what I read, is very well written. I only had time to read a couple of her more recent posts, but I liked what I saw. She had one about her hubby wearing panties posted on Sunday, October 28th, LOVED it! Anyway, have a look over there, I've added a link to her blog over there on the right. Well, have a great evening, hope you're homes don't get "Tricked"!