It occurred to me that because panty perverts seem to get caught and outted once in a while that you should keep your reciepts when you buy panties, that way you can prove ownership of your collection. I can imagine how much pleasure the cops would have putting you on TV and saying you stole all those panties and women with missing panties should come forward or something. I really feel sorry for those poor bastards who get caught stealing panties. Heck I could be one of them too, but I resist that sort of behavior as I know it's extremely risky and not worth the price. If you really want used panties, get them online. There must be hundreds, if not thousands of girls online to get panties from. Plus, as I've said in the past, there is definitly a thrill or high that I get from being in the lingerie department. I do get quite a thrill out of carefully selecting panties and watching the reactions of the ladies working or shopping. The naughtier they think I am, the dirtier their own minds must be! Anyway, it's a wonderful experience to go down to the store and feel the delicate panties with your hands and look through all the new styles. Well, anyway, I don't have all my reciepts, but I did save enough that I think I'd be able to prove they were my own panties legitimately.
I had these at one time, during one of my out of town business trips. I hung onto the them for years. I think, after being outed, they ended up in my wife's drawer. They, however, were white. Very, very nice.
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