I usually travel with friends, so I haven't had much opportunity to travel shop for panties, but it has happened. On one business trip I took, I was sharing a room with a coworker and several others were staying in the same place (all men). I convinced them to go to the Fredrick's of Hollywood Lingerie Museum with me in nearby Hollywood. Didn't take much to get them in there though, guess most guys have interest in panties! Not sure if any of you readers have been there, but if you are in the area, it's worth a gander. The museum, at least when I saw it, was more like a large display, with lingerie worn by famous old time celebrities and such. It's free to see and is a great excuse to go into the store and browse the panties and lingerie while you're there (for the wife or girlfriend of course...wink wink). I really have been a fan of Frederick's stores since I discovered one in the mall a long time ago. Recently, I haven't felt compelled to buy anything there though. I just don't care for the current selection of panties. I will however always return to their stores with the hopes that they have something for me to buy. I know that Victoria's Secret must have really cut into their business, so I'm hoping there's room enough in the lingerie industry to support lots of panty makers!
Great post, as always. I remember a Frederick's salesgirl flirting outrageously with me as she rang up my pile o' panties some years ago. I was married...but, I have to admit, interested. R
Thanks Ross. Would love to hear that Frederick's story in greater detail, sounds very interesting to say the least!
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