Having seen the neatly folded panty collections of Ross and the Panty Fiend, I feel a little emabarassed to admit that my panties are merely stuffed in my dresser drawer. I've often dreamed of dedicating more real estate in the dresser for panties, but it's just not practical since I already am short on room. I've thought about folding them neatly away, but I have so many that the task would take forever and would probably be for nothing as one dig through the pile would mess the whole thing up anyway. I've had the pleasure of going through a few panty drawers (that weren't my own) over the years, and it seems that most women don't do a much better job than me in their panty storage. I think every one I've seen has just been a drawer with a bunch of unfolded panties, or at most just laid flat on top of each other. Funny thought always pops in my head while I'm eyeing the lovely panties; I think to myself that I have a much larger and sexier collection of panties than any woman I've ever known! I imagine as my collection continues to grow that fact will get even more true! Well maybe someday if I meet the right girl, I can get rid of all my briefs and switch to panties full time, that would free up some room in the dresser!
I wish you luck in your pursuit of the right girl. It makes EVERYTHING work so much better. I'm sure that will happen for you, as my intuition tells me you're a great guy.
Thanks fellas, you guys are great. I get a lot of pleasure from doing this blog from knowing you guys are out there reading it and hopefully enjoying it.
I've noticed the same thing - most women just throw thier panties in a the drawer while most guys fold them and arrange them neatly.
i very much enjoy all your writing kind, very attractive.
don't give up as well as keep penning because it simply just truly worth to read it,
excited to read more and more of your current writing, have a good day :)
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