Today, I want to write about how this blog has affected me personally since I have been posting on a regular basis. I used to feel very ashamed and afraid of my panty compulsions. Afraid mostly because I never wanted anyone to know about it. I guess some part of me felt like a complete weirdo freak. Even though inside I knew that I am a good person at my core and would never harm others and always try to be respectful and thoughtful, I still felt defective in some way. Posting here has been a positive outlet for me and has given me a chance to sort my thoughts and be much clearer about who I am as a whole person. Posting has also taught me not to take panties too seriously either, but instead to enjoy my compulsions and have fun with it like a hobby. Another important aspect of being here has been the comraderie of my fellow panty enthusiasts like Ross, PM and the PFiend. You have taught me that there are lots of normal guys out there who enjoy panties (each in various ways). I guess being a panty freak, I assumed that perhaps I was doomed to be part of a group of losers and wierdos, but the reality is that while there are those kinds of people out there, we as a community are a microcosm of the rest of society as a whole. In other words, there are weirdos, but there are also regular people out there too. I am still shy about being a panty lover, and would never go around telling people about it, but I do feel much better about myself. I thank you faithful readers and fellow panty enthusiasts for making my world a better place.
Sorry I didn't get to post to your blog when you wrote it but was away on vacation.
After reading your post I sat back and thought about it for a few minutes. I think I'm being truthful when I say I've only had some fleeting negative thoughts about my fetish. I'll be back to posting in my blog tomorrow and if you have the patience to wait a while you'll get to see (I think) why. I honestly think that because of my early relationships with girls and that I was able to share my interest in panties with them without them making fun of me pretty much insulated me from negative feelings. If I've ever felt guilty about it I can't remember the circumsatnces. The biggest negative has been that I've not had anyone like you, pf and Ross to share my interest with. I hope we can continue...
You know, my friend, that post says it all. It's why I started blogging about this in the first place. This is a very private compulsion. And I have suffered greatly from time to time. It is not possible to discuss this with anyone, because it is impossible to know how someone might react. It is possible that it would become impossible for that person to see you for anything more than a fetishist. They would no longer be able to value you for your many wonderful traits. It's a great relief to have found a spouse to share this with. It has lifted an enormous burden off my shoulders. I compels me to write about it, in hopes that I can help other guys come to terms with this fetish and then live their lives HAPPILY. Writing about it also helps me. Because the battle for self-acceptance seems to have no end. You're a great guy. I value your friendship.
AS the others have said, excellent post. I, too, felt the same way before I started coming to grips with my crossdressing and fetishes. After some therapy, writing my blog, and reading other blogs, I now realize that I'm not as odd as I thought I was after all. People generally present a much blander persona in real life than I've seen in blogs where we can express our real thoughts and feelings.
I am contacting you because I am working with the authors of a book about blogs, and I'd like to request permission to use the photograph you have posted in this book. Please contact me at mattvid07@gmail.com, and I'd be happy to give you more information about the project. Please indicate the name of your blog in any response. Your assistance is greatly appreciated.
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