Hello panty lovers! I'm back after a crazy few days; not crazy in a bad way, just pretty busy. Now for the panty of the day. Today's panty is a Victoria's Secret brand tap panty in a green tea color, model number 169223-087. These are made of 55 percent Nylon and 45 percent Rayon. They are very light and soft with a wonderful smooth texture to everything including the lacy parts. As you can see, the front and back feature a seam running up the middle. These also have a really beautiful pattern to the lace which is on a very sheer mesh. The leg openings have a scalloped pattern around them which follows the lacy pattern, no elastic, very nice. Unique features are the ribbons which hang down from the side of the waistband at the hips, where there is a split which runs down. In fact they are completely split and can be fastened or unfastened at the waistband where there is a small metal clasp on each side. I really love these panties and highly recommend them to any avid (or rabid) panty collector. Once again, I must report that these are about a year or two old and are not available directly from Victoria's Secret as far as I know. I'm not sure if the ribbons are intended to be tied together in a bow or if they are just supposed to hang there as decoration. In either configuration, they look great and add a lot of charm to the panty. If you are in the know about the ribbons and how they are used correctly, please do write and let all of us know here.
Ross' excellent blog has once again provided my subject matter for today's posting. I was actually going to mention this on another day, but today seems as good as any and fits with the theme over at the Top Drawer. The TV show "That 70's Show" must have at least one panty collector on the writing staff. I say this because in addition to the clip on Ross' blog, I remember when the show was first starting out, there was an episode where Eric and Kelso are in the basement and Kelso wants to steal Eric's sister's panties from the laundry. I think Eric asked him what he was going to do with them or something, but I can't remember what the answer was. I think he may have just said he didn't know, but he wanted them. I seem to remember Kelso having fantasies about Eric's sister giving him her panties or busting him with them too. Help me out if you can rememebr. Ah, I hope there is a panty lover over there and that he or she finds another gig on a top rated show where we can see more panty content slipped in for our enjoyment.
1 comment:
I think you must be right that someone over there is a panty lover. No way a "normal" person wrote that sketch.
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