The panty of the day is a white Warners Little Hugs Nylon and Cotton blend stretch lace panty style 55649. As you can see they are a full cut style with a lacy trim around the leg and waist openings. The material is stretchy and follows curves very nicely and is soft against the skin (although not the softest lace I've ever felt), the flowery lace trim is also soft. They are a nice thickness and allow the skin tones and shadows to come through the fabric well, and the lace has a cute flower/star pattern in it. These I bought maybe two years ago or so and at the time were pretty popular and widely available. I have not seen these on any of my panty forays recently, so they may be gone from the stores. Hope you like them.
I love to see a nice butt crack through panties, there's something very exciting to me about seeing everything and seeing nothing at the same time, it's like a tease or appetizer before the main course. I really like sheer panties as well. I find it extremely sexy to see soft female flesh through the panty material, be it nylon, lace, acetate, or what have you.
As an avid panty lover I am always checking out panty web sites. You can always tell if the people running it are true panty lovers or just some sleaze trying to take advatage of us panty fetishists. The telling sign is always the pictures themselves. Panty people seem to enjoy looking at panties from certain angles. I hear panty folk always talking about the gusset, a word that probably is causing a few erections just from reading it here. Most people wouldn't know what the heck a gusset is, but a panty pervert knows of and loves the gusset. Panty people are varied in their tastes and I feel this is mostly due to the fact that panty fashion has changed rather rapidly in recent years. I think for many years the nylon briefs were the only thing around, so a lot of guys associated these with sex and femininity, think Betty Page. Then at some point the bikini style became popular and again a new generation of perverts became attached to this style. The panties still continue to shrink and now that the thong is king, I'm sure all the younger guys forming their sexuality are bonding with images of thong clad beauties.
I love the way panties hug a girls curves. The soft, smooth material shimmering and glamorous against perfumed skin. When I watch movies, mainstream or adult, I always look for a great panty scene. Almost always, the scene is too short. In adult films the girl usually removes her panties way too quickly. In mainstream films, we usually only get a quick glimpse of the panties. Not sure if any of you have seen "The Human Stain" starring Anthony Hopkins, but there is a scene in there where his girlfriend removes her clothes and we are treated to her wonderful old style bra and full panties (it supposed to be the 40's if I remember right). In another film, I think it was Body Double, I remember the main character following a beautiful woman (Melanie Griffith, I think) he'd been watching through a telescope. She throws her used panties in a trash can and he digs them out and pockets them. Or in The Crush, the star enters Alicia Silverstone's bedroom while she is showering and finds her used panties on the ground, he kind of nudges them with his foot, almost as if to say he'd want to pick them up and take them so badly, but he resists the temptation. Seeing references to panties in mainstream film makes me think that there must be lots of panty fetishists around hiding in the closets. How about you readers? Do you have a favorite film, mainstream or adult, with a panty scene in it?