Howdy Readers! A movie named "Mischief" was recently brought to my attention by long time reader Panty Maven. It's a film made in the 80's about teens in the 1950's. I'd never heard of it before being tipped off, so it was a nice surprise to find out about it. PM mentioned that it had some nice lingerie scenes in it. Well, that alone is enough to make me want to see it!
My first order of business was to actually find it on DVD. I looked at Amazon and they had it listed as out of print, but they did have it at my favorite on line rental site, but it was seriously back ordered (long wait). I didn't hold my breath! A lot of times movies that are on the long wait list never come and end up being deleted from the catalog before you ever get a chance to rent them. Either that or when they come, the disc itself is severely beaten up and scratched.
Well, after having waited a couple of months, I was surprised to find an e mail informing me that the movie was coming soon to my mail box! When it got here, I took it out immediately to check the condition of the disc, and it looked OK. I watched it within a few days of getting it and was thrilled to see lovely Kelly Preston strip down to her pretty bra and panties, then to full frontal nudity...YAY! Her body is just amazing in this film, truly mouth wateringly beautiful. There is a scene early on when one of the main characters gets a peek up her skirt as well, a heart stopping sight indeed to see her stocking tops and white panties!
Do I need to say more? Yes, I enjoyed watching this film and would recommend it to not just vintage lingerie and panty lovers, but also to anyone who might want to watch a fun little underdog, coming of age, 50's themed movie.
nothing beats white silky cotton...
Glad to see you were able to locate it. It's always been one of my favs, Loved the old cars they used in the movie as well.
The classroom scene looking up her skirt was one of my favorites as I loved to do the same thing. A pencil on the floor was always a good excuse.
Ohhh, I love the upskirt!
LOL... glad you like the pics fellas!
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