Bonjour Readers! Just a quick post today to kick off your weekend. Late last night I was watching Jimmy Fallon (I'm a night owl) and he had Christina Hendricks of Mad Men fame on as a guest. I must say she is looking quite buxom now days as I don't remember her having such curvy assets when she was playing the part of Saffron back on Firefly years back (great show BTW). Anyway, she was talking about her early career and how she used to model in NYC. She said the modeling agency used to rent apartments and just throw girls in there together, so they didn't really know each other all that well if at all at times. She said that models can be crazy and then went on to tell about how there was one girl who used to do crazy stuff. Jimmy pressed her on that and she said the crazy girl used to steal the other girls panties! Wow, did that catch my attention! LOL, Who is this girl and where can I meet her!
I'll leave you all with that thought of a pretty female model stealing other pretty female model's panties and doing who knows what with them! Have a great weekend everyone!
good who does not love a sweet set of panties
That's the first I've heard of a female panty thief. :-)
Sir T: I agree 100 percent!
PM: Can't recall hearing of any others myself.
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