Howdy Readers! How was your holiday? Hope it all went great for ya! I enjoyed some turkey and all the fixins'...scrumptious! I attended the local auto show which always coincides with the Thanksgiving weekend. I love looking at the new cars, sitting in them and smelling that new car smell! Sorry, no panty news to report from the show, although there were some very attractive ladies there with the cars. The ladies at the car show are dressed much more conservatively than their counterparts at the bike shows.
Thought I'd throw in a DVD review today. The movie as you can see is titled "For the Love of Pleasure". It's another "classic" porno from the late seventies or early eighties I'd guess. It was actually filmed as though it was a real movie and so there is a plot and story. Most of the ladies are very beautiful and really seem to enjoy their on camera "acting". The main character is a man named Simon, played by porn legend Jamie Gillis. Simon is a scumbag. The film starts out with him prowling the streets of San Francisco, stealing a car, then sneaking up a fire escape into an unlocked window to rob the residents. The resident is a large chested woman who awakes during the break in and pulls a gun on Simon. She tells him to come nearer and upon inspection decides that she can have some fun. They have a nice romp on the bed, and before poor Simon can shoot his wad the clock strikes 1 AM and the lady's hubby comes home from work. She hears him coming up the stairs and tells Simon to split, but Simon can't since he's about to cum. He shoots his wad just before the door opens and grabs his clothes and begins to run. The door opens and the husband shouts "WTF is going on here?" at which point wifey decides to shoot scumbag Simon in the back, killing him and yelling out "rape".
Cut to the afterlife and Simon is greeted on cloud nine by the beautiful Annette Haven (a woman with near perfect breasts, I might add), who proceeds to train Simon on how to pleasure a woman. Simon goes on to fuck every fantasy girl he has ever dreamed of including a rich socialite type and a virgin cheerleader. At the end of the film there is a twist as (I doubt I'd be ruining it for you, but if you don't want to know, skip to the next paragraph), Simon finds out he is actually not in Heaven at all, but in Hell and the devil, by making him fuck everything in sight has taken away that pleasure from him and made sex a boring and tedious task.
Why on Earth did I choose this movie, you ask? Let me take you back to my childhood. I was in maybe 8th grade or so, hanging out with my cousin and his buddy David. His buddy David has an older brother who of course had some pornos on tape. Dave snuck some out and we watched them in amazement and wonder. This was one of those movies he brought out that fine summer afternoon. I had remembered it with rose colored glasses on and when the opportunity came along, I bought my own copy on tape years later. The video tape I got was a truncated version, missing some of the most kinky and delightful aspects that made the original so good. Gone was the shooting of Simon (OK, now the movie makes no sense at all), gone was the rich lady's long strand pearl necklace being slowly pulled from her vagina, and on and on. Apparently, the censors had scared the crap out of the porn industry during the 90's with their witch hunts and the result was editing such as this.
When I saw that the movie was finally on DVD after many years, I looked for a review and as far as I could find, those long lost scenes had been restored in all their original glory. I HAD to see for myself, and that my friends is what brought me to this movie in particular. You are wondering, I suppose, were those scenes there, restored for my kinky sexual delight? The answer is YES! There is a catch to it all though, and that is the over all quality of the transfer to DVD. I don't know what source material they used for the master, but the quality is HORRIBLE! It's almost unwatchable at some points. Trying getting off to a picture that is completely washed out and over saturated, it ain't the greatest turn on. My OLD VHS version of this movie (which I still own), is BETTER than this DVD in terms of picture quality...MUCH better! So loyal readers, I will leave you with this half enthusiastic review. The movie is in my opinion one of the greatest porn flix ever put to celluloid (yes it's a true film, not a video), but the transfer to DVD is far less than desirable. A film of this caliber deserves much better, so I can't endorse you wasting your hard earned dough on this DVD. Perhaps if you all write in to the company and complain, they'll take it seriously and do a new transfer, one that is worthy of the material. BTW, the cover has nothing to do with the movie at all, not sure where the original went, but that is not it.
Well, that'll do it for today. Hope you all have a great week, see ya soon!