Hola Readers! Wow, did this week fly by or what? I was meaning to post here a few days ago but never got a chance. The panty of the day is a cotton thong (hmm, maybe cotton panties are the theme this week). These are Partners brand panties which I have owned for maybe 8 years or so. They still have the snap in the elastic and the material is holding up fine. These have a nice snug fit and are not overly feminine, so they would be a good panty to introduce your s/o to your naughty panty habit in.
That's actually a good topic to bring up. I often hear this topic referenced and joked about in mainstream media, a girl who's guy likes wearing lingerie. While I admit, it is pretty humorous to think about, I'm guessing there must be a lot of men who are into this or it wouldn't pop up so often. I think that most people don't have ideal bodies, men and women included. So usually when they show a guy in lingerie, it's some fat guy with his gut hanging over the waistband and man boobs filling a bra or something. If they were to show a guy with a nice body and an appropriate pair of undies, nothing too feminine, I think it might start to change women's attitudes about this topic. Dare I say, they may begin to enjoy the site of their man in panties? I've had women buy me underwear in the past. Back in the olden days, Victoria's Secret actually had some man panties that they sold, and my girlfriend bought me a few pair. She had no knowledge of my panty fetish that I knew of, although she did buy panties for herself for my enjoyment, so maybe she knew. Anyway, these VS man panties where not much different than these thongs. They had full front and back panels and a thin strap joining the two, very much the classic bikini panty, but with a little extra in front for the man parts to fit into. She loved it when I wore them for her. Since the boxer craze hit, I noticed that those have mostly gone away. Strange, but somehow I'd think that the ladies would want to see their man in some skimpy undies. Of course I'm not a woman, so like most men, I have no clue about that.
At any rate, getting back on topic, if you men out there want to bring some panty play into your bedroom, I suggest doing it at the proper time and place, and choosing a panty that is NOT too feminine, lest you freak out your loved one. Maybe a plain full back bikini similar to today's panty would be a good place to start. Also, you might want to think about doing some crunches and push ups for a month or two so you can look your sexiest for her. Chances are if she's turned on by the sight of your body, then you have an opening to introduce your kinky new fetish to her.
Well, enough of my ramblings for now. Hope you all have a great weekend.