Hola Loyal Readers! Hope you all had a great weekend. Mine was pretty good, had some dinner with some long time friends. Sometimes it's nice to get together and remember the good old days which seem to have passed by too quickly. When I was in school, I always thought how great it was going to be to graduate so I wouldn't have tests to worry about. Ha! How I long for those simpler times!
Speaking of old times gone by, today I've decided to review an old adult film. This movie was made back in the early 80's long before it was legal for me to have even seen it! Of course legality never stopped an industrious youth such as me from doing anything! My friends and I would get our adult movies and magazines from who knows where, most likely older brothers and such. Way back in the olden days, when movies were on video tapes, they used to put trailers for the movies on the tapes. Later they replaced the trailers with phone sex ads. Anyway, my buddy lent me some pornos and I remember seeing the trailer for this movie "Bad Girls". For some reason, even though it was old, the movie really looked hot to me. Well, years later I remembered it and actually was able to find it on DVD. So, I did what any red blooded man would do and rented it. The following is my take on it.
As I mentioned earlier, the movie is old, from the early 80's. This is a good thing. Why, you ask? It's good because the makers of the film were actually trying to make a film and not just a bunch of fornication. That's right, there is actually a story line.
The movie starts with three gorgeous ladies getting ready in their own homes for a camping trip. I just love watching a woman getting dressed, there's something very feminine and erotic about it, and we get to see some of the girls getting ready. One girl is at work, where she is a professional photographer and model. On this day she is being photographed and is posing for the camera. The guy taking the pictures gets turned on and won't let her leave until she lets him take more pictures. She reluctantly agrees and he instructs her to unbutton her blouse and show her breasts. Then he has her lift her skirt and show her garter belt and panties (very lovely white nylon string bikinis). Then he tells her to reach into her panties and play with herself. Next he has her remove her panties, but she does it too quickly and he stops her mid thigh. She pulls them back up and he has her sit down. She has her long legs out and her skirt up and she slowly pulls down her panties (he actually tells her to linger). Then she reveals her trimmed, but not shaven womanhood, very sexy. Of course the poor bastard can't take it anymore and soon they're going at it. He strokes her long neck as they make hot monkey love on the bed. I don't normally think too much about necks, but hers is just exquisite, beautiful and feminine.
In the next scene the girls are in the camper driving in the woods. They come across a young boy scout and pick him up. This guy actually looks like a teenager (he says he's 16 in the movie). They'd never get away with this in a new movie because people would get bent, but man when I was that age, I would have given my left arm to be in that situation, surrounded by four beautiful women. Once in the camper, one of the girls teases the poor kid by asking him questions like "do you think I'm pretty?" and showing him her panties and what's underneath. The guy is scared shitless and she knows it. She asks him if he wants to touch her and right as he's about to, she slaps his hand away and says, "isn't this where you're supposed to get dropped off?" The girl's teasing is very well done.
In another scene we have one of the girls playing with herself through her panties in a hammock. She ventures into the woods to find the stranger in the woods who takes her like a savage. She loves it!
Later in the movie, the big brother of the scout has the same teaser girl captive. She teases him too, pulling up her skirt and revealing her white nylon bikini panties with little flowers in the fabric.
These are just the panty related scenes, there is other stuff in there too.
I guess you can tell I enjoyed this movie quite a bit. The production values are really very good. The acting leaves something to be desired, but the ladies are very pretty and they are easy on the eyes. This film was actually made on real film and not video tape, so it has a much better look to it than what most people are used to seeing. I recommend you have a look if you get a chance. Oh, BTW, I don't think the girl in the red bikini is even in the movie, or at least I don't remember seeing her.
Hope you enjoyed my very first movie review. Thanks for stopping by.