Big Howdy to all you panty partners! The panty of the day is a Frederick's of Hollywood lace thong in wedding white. These are very soft and stretchy being made of a lycra and cotton blend. The elastic has held up pretty well over the ten or so years that they've been a part of my collection. A quick thought I just had, was how I usually get really turned on when I get a new pair of panties (or three). Then over time the excitement fades and they kind of get lost in the crowd with the other panties. I'm often browsing the collection and will come across a pair that I recall being especially hot at the time of purchase, but was somehow relegated to second fiddle when the new ones came along (poor panties). I seem to remember some hot fun I had with these in the past. I guess every panty has a story to tell!
Reader Anne brought up an interesting point in her comments. She said that the pictures of panties seemed empty. To my perverted brain, I see the pictures of panties as somehow being erotic. Not that I pop a woody just at the sight of panties, but to me panties are generally erotic in nature. This got me thinking, what is my reason for posting pictures of my panties. I really don't know. I guess I just want to share my collection with others who have similar interests. There must be more to it than just that though. Maybe because I normally hide my fetish, it just feels good to get it out there in the open. At any rate, I do hope that my readers have and will continue to enjoy my panty of the day pictures.
I love these. I have a few that are somewhat similar and they make me feel very sexy. Please keep posting the pics. I like to see them. Even if they don't turn me on as much as they do for you, I still think they're pretty, and some of them are really cool. I like reading about your fetish too. I love fetishes, they're so much fun. :) I hope I didn't make you feel weird. My tastes aren't any better or worse than yours, and I really enjoy your blog "as is."
...I know I mentioned pics of you, but you're right, you have to go with what you and most of your audience like. The blog, as it is, is starting to grow on me. I have the pic you sent me, that makes me happy.
"(poor panties)."
hee-hee! That was cute. :)
What a remarkable exchange with Anne on the last post. This is exactly the kind of chatter I've been hoping to stimulate. It certainly stimulates ME. Actually, Badside, I can and often do become sexually aroused looking at pics of panties, just the panties, though it's certainly interesting to see them modeled by a lovely woman, too. Anne, I don't actually have a spanking fetish, but I do enjoy the act of lifting a skirt, pulling panties down and administering a sweet spanking if my partner enjoys it. It's extremely naughty and it definitely turns me on. But a spanking without panties wouldn't do it for me at all. Sex without panties holds little interest for me at this point as well. But, unlike our pal Badside, I don't wear panties, I'm just a collector and enthusiast. I need to have them. Undeniably naughty.
Anne, I would be a willing audience for any blog you might write about your sexual interests. That's for sure.
by the way, badside, I got a email from Pantymaven and he's having trouble posting comments. He's very frustrated and cannot figure out how to fix it. Maybe you can offer him some computer advice.
I'm on my 3rd browser and finally was able to log on make a comment on your blog Whew! What an ordeal. I wonder how long it'll last...
In any case, even though I'm not a fan of your favoriye style of panties, I'd surely miss seeing the various styles and colors that you post. I also enjoy the "flashbacks" to your past. Keep up the good work!
The more fetish-related blogs I see, the more obvious it becomes that there is no right or wrong in sex... as long as it involves only consenting adults, of course. Even if we were to round up all the panty fetishists, each one of us would have slightly different details about what we like.
Ross, I'm happy to talk about fetishes here. I may revive my old sexy blog, I'm wondering if it's worth the effort. I already have a regular blog and a photo blog. Whew! Lots of work. Anyway, I don't want to take anything away from Badside. He helped start this dialogue so I would feel like a jerk taking the conversation somewhere else.
I guess I misunderstood. It seemed to me like maybe you had a spanking fetish. It sounds kind of sexy the way you describe the spanking thing here, though. Oh, and i personally don't have to have panties involved in sex, it's just something that might be nice occasionally. The last guy i dated who would wear them for me was 20 years ago. (isn't that a shame?) the last 9 years i was with one of the most vanilla men in the U.S., then single since then. No sex at all, panties or not, for the last 3 years! Now THAT'S a shame!
You know, I would love to talk more but I'm not quite sure what more to say. Do you have any questions? Too bad Pantymaven can't comment. He's on the outside looking in... Hi, Pantymaven! (waving.)
Oh nevermind. Hi, Pantymaven. In a hurry now, will type more later.
Glad to see all the dialog going on in here! I have no plans to stop posting panty pics, I was just having a self reflective moment and wondering what my own motivations were for putting pics up....still don't know for sure. PM did you get your computer problems cleared up? Hmm, I guess if not, then you wouldn't be able to reply, ah, the fun of computers!
Hi guys! It's me, Anne. Since Ross and one or two other people expressed an interest in seeing me blog about sexual things, I have decided to revive the old blog and see how things go. Just click on the link. I certainly don't want to take anything away from you, Badside, but I intend to write about a few different things that wouldn't quite fit in here. You will always be my panty expert, as well as a wonderful and sexy guy. I'll give you a link and i will definitely continue visiting you. I would love it if you come over and tell me what you would like to see on the blog, make comments etc. Why the pseudonym? So my kids and relatives don't know it's me, you understand.
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