After reading PM and Anne's comments about the crotchless panties I posted yesterday, I thought maybe today I'd talk a little about crotchless panties. If I remember right, the first time I came across a pair of these was back in the mid 90's, but I'm pretty sure that they've been around in some form for many years before that. It used to be that you could only find them at the naughtier lingerie outfitters such as Frederick's of Hollywood or specialty boutiques. I think that the thong actually was considered a naughtly style of panty itself, but somehow it crossed over into the normal category and is now enjoying a mainstream popularity, which in my opinion somewhat nullifies some of the fun. Yes, naughty feelings are good when you talk about panties!
I'm sure you can imagine the kind of thoughts I was having when I discovered crotchless panties! I readily admit to enjoying panties for collecting, but I seldom talk about actually wearing them. Perhaps some part of me feels that although other enthusiasts also enjoy wearing panties, the reality of what we as men look like in panties is not always as appealing as the feelings we get from wearing them, even in imagination. I really like that Anne is so encouraging and actually wants to see the pics, so thank you Anne. Getting back on topic, I think that most guys would agree that wearing panties feels great, but it makes it a little a hard (pun intended) to finish what's begun while still wearing them. What better solutuion then a pair of crotchless panties?! You get to wear panties and see the beautiful materials, feel the silky softness against your skin and stroke your manhood all at once! Of course since your tender bits are free and out in the open, it can be very comfortable. The down side is that you can forget about wearing them to work, as they will provide no support and if you should sport wood, there will be no hiding the tent that will come out.
Now, as for purchasing them I have been planning on posting links in my postings to various web sites which cater to the panty crowd in some way. That would be either fetish sites or sellers of panties, etc. So to kick off the links, click here to find the crotchless panties at Frederick's of Hollywood. As you can see, the selection is not as classy as it once was. I prefer the old style sheer, full paneled look to these strappy numbers. The butterfly panties never really did it for me either, although I'm sure I'd be singing a different tune if a girl were to wear those for me! Victoria's Secret also carries a very limited amount of what they call "peek a boo" panties. Here's a link to an adorable bra and panty set, also less traditional, but somehow better in design than the Frederick's versions IMHO.
Well that's it for today, thanks for stopping by.
You're something else. I didn't expect personal attention like that. You made me blush and a little embarrassed - no guy has ever sent me a picture of himself in underwear. My computer has some issues, so i have to wait until later when i can open your attachment from another computer. Sorry about that. I'm very much looking forward to it. You're right that some styles of panties don't fit guys too well, but i really like a guy in lingerie if it's a style that suits him. (Does that mean i'm a freak?) The sexiest panties i ever saw was an awesome sheer-ish white thong. Instead of a string thing in back it had a thin silver chain forming a T in the back. Very hot... although probably uncomfortable.
I'm really enjoying your blog, Badside. I'm curious, what do the ladies usually say about your choice of underwear? I wouldn't be surprised if you enjoy shocking the ladies. ;)
Great stuff as always. I'm very curious about Anne. When did she show up. I check out of blogs and there's nothing to indicate this wonderful interest she has for our shared passion. Way to go, Anne. It's fun to have a lady posting about it.
Badside, it disturbs me how much I enjoyed your photo. I guess I am a freak. Thank you so much for the photo. You made my day.
Hi Ross. I love your avatar. LOL. How did I get here? Just following links. A while back I was at the Blogspot dashboard and saw that a blog called Another Internet Perv had just been updated. So I did what any of us would do, clicked the link. BTW I recommend his site, he's a lot of fun - http://anotherinternetperv.blogspot.com/ . So... I clicked on someone in his comments section - Sheen V, then from Sheen V's comments I clicked on Helpmate Hubby. I think that's probably where I saw Badside's comment and clicked his link. Now I'll need to hop on over to your blog too.
So you don't get a lot of women leaving comments? Maybe they're just lurking then, enjoying the show. :)
Anne, you're splendid. Thanks for the info. I was exceptionally curious. Why does it disturb you that you enjoy the photo? He gave it to you. He wanted you to have it. He hoped, no doubt, that you might enjoy it. Part of blogging about being sexually unusual is to demystify it. We're freaks, pervs, what have you. We're also people who live in the mainstream of society. Normal is relative. Perhaps, someday, you'll illuminate us on how you enjoyed it and what feelings it brought up for you and why you think you find it so stimulating. My pal Badside (and others) are hoping to open a dialogue about this subject and your input would be greatly appreciated.
Hi Badside. I'm sorry for using your blog as a message board. I can't manage to post a comment at Ross' place. It's because i'm using a phone and not a real computer right now. My phone apparently doesn't like the settings of certain blogs.
Ross - what you ask of me is complicated. A book could easily be written about the subject, and i imagine some probably have. I like a lot of things. When i say i'm a freak i'm not putting myself or this fetish down. I say it with a naughty smile on my face. ;) My reaction to Badside's photo disturbed me because of the massive intensity of how much i liked it. It made me blush and feel like a horny kid again. You know what i mean. I haven't felt that way in years.
Do you guys know Helpmate Hubby? I was writing to him earlier about how i had a much more sexual blog under a pseudonym that i quit using because it was too much work... But i would consider bringing it back if i saw a need or audience for it. The idea was that i would try to facilitate discussions just like this one about all orientations, fetishes etc. and the psychology aspect of sex. Have you seen the movie Kinsey? Great movie. Well, i'm a little bit like him. I love psychology, especially the areas of communication and sexuality. So tell me more about this dialogue you and your friends want to have. Oh, you should be aware that i don't speak for all women. I can't tell you what the cute chick at the bar will think of your fetish because everyone's different.
YIKES!!! Sorry, Badside. I don't know what happened and i can't delete those extra copies of my comment. Would you mind deleting a few for me please? :) (embarrassed smile.)
Anne, I'm more than happy to provide space here for your comments. Ross is correct, male panty lovers are always interested in dialog with the opposite sex. Most of us don't have much opportunity to discuss our fetish with women. Most guys are embarrassed about having this fetish and so they keep it secret and that means it never gets talked about.
Thank you, Badside. As I said, I am just one person, with my own personal tastes so I can't speak for all women, but I will try to give you my opinion. It helps when you ask specific questions. No need at all to be embarrassed. I'm pretty open-minded, and what's the worst that could happen? It's not like I'm going to find you and yell at you. There's a certain emotional safety about the internet, despite its problems.
So where do I start? When I saw Badside's photo it triggered the dominant, aggressive side of my personality, the behavior that's more commonly associated with men when they're in pussy-hunting mode... you know, really assertive. Does that make any sense? It almost felt like a role reversal. I wanted to touch that sexy little bottom, thighs and of course the lingerie. It's not the lingerie itself that I'm attracted to. I'm not tempted to masturbate with it. It's how someone looks when they're in it, and Badside looked very sexy. It made a big difference that he is a real human being who personally sent that photo to me. That's so much more special and erotic than some unknown fake model in a magazine. It also stroked my ego a bit that he would do that, even though he also did it for himself.
I won't pretend, Ross, to understand your spanking fetish. That interests a lot of people, but I don't happen to be one of them. I'm not judging you at all though, just saying it's not something that went through my mind. Also I see that some men like wearing lingerie as part of a humiliation fetish. I don't really think in those terms, just because that's not really my fetish. I don't like the lingerie for any humiliation reasons, just because it looks sexy. Again I'm not judging, just telling you what personally appeals to me.
And Badside, I completely agree that most women will like or at least tolerate fetishes if they're presented the right way, and patiently.
Did I explain o.k.?
Badside, you bring up some interesting points, and I will respond to them here so Ross and others may read it too. I can't quite put my finger on what makes lingerie so sexy either. Maybe because it seems so wonderfully kinky on men? I do appreciate a beatiful woman wearing it (yeah, I'm bi and maybe that's part of it) but there's something extra hot about lingerie when it's on a man.
Absolutely, the lingerie is associated with all the wonderful stuff that's inside it. It's kind of like gift-wrapping. :) When I saw your picture though I focused on your bottom, thighs and waist, not what's in front... but that's probably because that's what the picture was of - your bottom. I tend to think of a man's whole body rather than focusing a lot on his penis. BTW I don't find men's tighty whitie underwear sexy, even though they touch his goodies.
As far as the silky feel of panties, that's nice, but I can't say the feel is the major attraction. In fact, if I were to try to masturbate with them, they would be too soft, so much so that I wouldn't have as much sensation as I like. Damn... am I really writing all this on a public blog? Guess I'm feeling pretty open right now. He-hee!
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