I often surf the internet looking for panty material to read and look at. It seems that there are lots of other fetishists around with similar tastes to my own. This is evidenced by the large number of web sites dedicated to panties and lingerie. The other day I saw a story on the news that said 2 BILLION dollars are spent in the US on porn web sites a year. That's a lot of money!
Anne mentioned on her blog that she doesn't get as excited as the average male when looking at pictures of women. It has been said that men are attracted visually, so perhaps there is a physiological reason for the popularity of porn with men. I often hear of women who get angry and jealous when they discover their partner looking at porn or going to a strip joint. I tend to be very faithful when I am with a girl (rare nowdays). I do look at porn and enjoy going to a strip club though and don't consider it cheating, strictly entertainment. There's no way I'd leave a girl over porn or a lap dance, but I have never had a girl tell me to dump my porn collection either. I had a friend in college who's GF was friends with my GF. He told me that when his girl found his porn mags, she was livid and told him he was sick and made him throw them in the trash immediately. I thought that was a bit of an overreaction on her part. I can understand when a man is ignoring his girl and looking at porn instead, that it is definitely crossing over into destructive behavior, but I think porn can be a playful, healthy and fun part of a sex life.
I wonder if women find it erotic that men masturbate or is it viewed as being gross. I was watching Dane Cook on TV and in his routine he mentioned masturbating in front of women. He said he always asks the girl if she likes what she is seeing and then he says something like "as if she'd say no". I took that as a positive response. Most of the girls I've dated have wanted to be my only sexual outlet. That is, I don't think they liked me relieving myself sexually on my own. I think it's sexy to watch a girl masturbate, although I can't seem to get a girl to do that for me either. I think it'd be hot to masturbate in front of each other, put on a little porn show for each other at the same time! I'll leave you with that thought...enjoy!
I think if women are angry or jealous over their men's porn or going to strip bars, it can be for one of several reasons. Maybe he really does have a fetish that she thinks is strange. Maybe she feels unwanted and unattractive if she doesn't look like the other women he's looking at - she takes it as a sign that he wishes he were with them and not her. Or if a man hides his porn or doesn't offer to take her with him to the strip bar, that is sneaky behavior. It goes beyond strictly sex, and into the realm of hiding things from your partner or excluding them. That GF you mentioned probably just wanted you to be full of energy for her. That's just my quick opinion, without really knowing the details of the relationship. Are you asking me if most women think seeing a man masturbate is erotic? I don't know whether most women do or not, but I think it's erotic. And masturbating together can be very erotic and surprisingly liberating, and is a good cure for shyness because you are sharing something intensely personal with your lover.
Here's a link to those panties you were interested in. Apparently, she has more.
Personally, I'm a big fan of mutual masturbation as part of healthy sexual relationship. It's fun to do, it's great to watch and it's highly instructive as to the other person's likes and dislikes. As for porn, some things are meant to be shared and some things private. Personally, though, I'm very much leary of women who object to their partners masturbating despite the obvious fact that the vast majority of men do masturbate. It drives the behavior underground. That is not healthy for the relationship. Most women also masturbate, according to the literature, and having been involved with a woman for many years who didn't, I would advise men to be very cautious about marrying a woman who doesn't.
if the link doesn't work, go to eBay seller store great4uu.
Yeah, I can see how things can be misinterpreted easily. Communication is key in such situations and I agree that things shouldn't be hidden...it takes trust on both sides.
I'm not sure that my wife has ever "self pleasured" herself. I know that when she's "in the mood' she lets me know and, one way or the other, we get her 'satisfied". When it comes to my own self, she's always been fairly willing to "assist" me when she's not "in the mood". There's seldom much in the way of discussion. We just know each other that well.
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