After reading PM's post, memories of my distant past started to come back to me. I remembered this one incident in particular. I was in college at the time, the spring semester had just ended and I was still talking to this girl who I had known since high school. We'd really gotten to know one another a lot better after high school because she was dating one of my good friends. Not to sound like a total scum bag, but I had always had a crush on her and I think the feelings were mutual. We never did act on those feelings though since I had a lot of respect for my friend and would never have done that. By this time she was dating a new guy and I was just starting to date a new girl (the one that got away in fact). This girl was living in the LA area, and so I drove there to watch her graduation ceremony. I was staying at her apartment and her room mates were gone somewhere for the weekend. Her boyfriend was also not there either, so we were pretty much alone together. She had done her laundry prior to my arrival and after I had settled in, we were relaxing in the living room area and she started to fold her clean laundry. Right on the top of the pile was, you guessed it, her panties. My heart immediately went into overdrive when I noticed this. I tried to act calm as if I didn't even notice them. She had about seven or eight pairs if I recall correctly, of different pastel colors and whites. I remember seeing baby blue and peach colored panties with white trim around the leg and waist openings. Most were cotton bikinis. I wanted so badly to reach out and touch them and examine them, to stuff a pair in my pocket. I was a good boy and resisted my urges, you'd all be so proud of me! Actually at that time I really didn't have much of a panty collection going, for the most part that didn't happen until years later. Anyway, I don't remember for sure, but I probably needed to stay seated on the couch for a while after that!
Have a happy turkey day everyone, see you again soon.
Sometimes life provides just what one needs right when one needs it. Great story.
I love your stories. Happy Thanksgiving, sweetie. Oh, I've decided to go with my real name, since everyone knows me that way already and I wasn't really happy with the alias. I'm just using -dashes- around the name so I hopefully don't get confused which link I'm giving you. This one of course is to the sexy blog. Stay tuned, there's about 20 years worth of stories to tell but I'm trying to pace myself. :)
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