Uerauka Readers! How is your week going? Today's topic is the lower back tattoo, AKA, the tramp stamp. As you can see above, they can be done tastefully and cute, but like a delicate souffle can also be easily overdone. I was at the bookstore the other day browsing and there was a cute girl working there restocking the shelves. The first thing I noticed was that she was quite pretty with long brown hair. She happened to be working right where I was browsing and so we were in very close proximity to one another. I could smell her wonderful perfume, she smelled so good, I wanted to hold her tight and put my nose near her skin. She had boxes of things on the floor and, you guessed it, was wearing a short and tight t-shirt which would ride up while her low rider jeans plummeted downward when she bent over. It was like seeing the clouds part and having beautiful sunshine beam down on your face every time she bent over. I think she may either have not been wearing panties or they had fallen down in her pants because I saw no waistband or sling shot patch. No instead I saw about two inches of the top of her well formed ass. Not wanting to fall into the complete pervert classification (or drool myself), I only glanced at her for a quick peek or two. There was another guy there who was enjoying the view as well. When her shirt had ridden up, I could see that she had a number of tattoos, not just the tramp stamp. Hers was on on the verge of being overboard, but just at the limit for my taste. At any rate, I enjoyed the show, I hope she liked giving it to me!