Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Panty Packages

Howdy Readers! How is your week going so far? Things have been busy around here. Haven't had much time to relieve myself if you know what I mean. The pictures above come from an interesting company run by two ladies in Canada. Basically, you subscribe to their service and once a month they send a pair of new panties to you in the mail. The company is named Panty by Post. Also, for those interested, here's a link to an article I found on them. Sounds like it could be a fun thing to do, although I think I'd prefer to pick out my lingerie myself. A great way for the ultra shy person to get some cute panties too.


Pantymaven said...

I'm with you... I want to pick out the panties. BTW: have you ever taken a look at eBay and the panties available there?

Anonymous said...

LOL, I had to STOP looking there because I was always finding things I liked. A word of warning though, some of the stuff there might be labeled as name brands, but I suspect they're knock offs.


Anonymous said...

Haha! Surprise mystery panties - I kind of like that. They may choose something I would never think to buy for myself. Maybe I'm being too optimistic though?

badside said...

Anne: I guess that's the fun of it, getting something you might not have picked yourself, and it's a surprise each time.

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