Woo-hoo! I'm back everybody! Actually I got back last week, but I had some catching up to do before I could get in here, apologies to any that were waiting. The panty of the day is one I found on someone's flicker page through some circuitous route that I can't quite fully recall. At any rate, I find it to be quite amusing and tantalizing at the same time. The pink piping around the legs and waist are a nice touch and I love that little illustration of the female reproductive system, ingenious really! There's a smaller pic of someone wearing a pair too. I'm not sure if they sell these or what, but for the web address click here.
So how have you all been? I hope that you've been having a good summer, especially now that it's almost over. :^( I'll be around more now, so please check back here soon for more of your badside updates!