Shlomo Readers! How is your week going? Did you watch the VS show the other night. I only got a chance to see the first half, but I'm planning to watch the rest later. To me it didn't seem to be as good as last year's, although I'll hold off final judgment until I 've seen the whole shebangy. I noticed there was one shot where they actually blurred out someone's butt cheek. I don't understand why people complain about semi nudity on TV at 10 o'clock when they can see a realistic murder at 8. Which is worse? If you don't like it, TURN THE CHANNEL...HELLO! I read somewhere that the VS show brings in some of the highest ratings, but also the most complaints. OK, enough of that, help me down off my soapbox.
Pictured above is a super cute panty, that just happens to be on sale right now as you read this. Where, you ask? JC Penny has them (I think it's there own brand) for $8.40 each when you buy two, otherwise it's gonna cost you 12 bucks a pop. Go for the two fer and get one in begonia pink (above) and a black one. Go on, you know you want to!
I agree... the show wasn't as good as in past years. In fact, I thought some of it was pretty bizarre. But it was still better than most of the trash on TV theses days.
So true PM!
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