Friday, July 17, 2009

Sexy and Funny!

Mogethin Everyone! Another week has come and gone. Thought I'd leave you with something funny to kick off your weekend. This is a scene from the sit-com Everybody Loves Raymond where I believe Ray and Debra (played by the lovely Patricia Heaton, pictured above) are trying to get each other to give in and have sex. Of course Debra chooses a very tasteful, yet sexy little nightie to go to bed in. Patricia is definitely a MILF...yum! Click here to get to the video clip, funny stuff!


Anonymous said...

Hi! I was starting to wonder if you were okay - seems like it's been a while.

Heh. I'm one of the few people who doesn't love Raymond. But it was kind of a cute skit.


Anonymous said...

I'm OK Anne, just took a little breather, thanks for your concern. :^) Yeah, I was an occasional viewer of the show, but always seemed to think it was funny when I did watch.


SheenV said...

Oh, yes, she is a hottie alrgiht!

badside said...

Sheen: Glad you like!

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