Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Bikini Burger

Aloha Readers! How is your week going? Not much on TV right now since it's summer time, but you can still find juicy little nuggets of goodness here and there. Take for example, our lovely model of the day, Audrina Patridge from MTV's show The Hills. Pictured above she's all glammed up as a PussyCat Doll, purr! And the reason she's being mentioned here? Carl's Jr, the fast food chain has been running ads featuring Ms Patridge in a gold bikini. Me thinks she looks hot enough to cook the burgers she's eating. It's funny because although she does claim to actually love those burgers, I really doubt she could finish one, not with that figure anyway. ;^) Listed below are some links to the ad and some behind the scenes extras.


SheenV said...

She's eating a burger? I didn't see it in the videos...

badside said...

Sheen: Exactly! :^)

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