Hola Readers! How was your weekend? Did you have fun watching the Supreme Bowl? That turned out to be a pretty good game. I found out that the Lingerie Bowl was canceled again due to problems with the venue. It seems they were planning to hold the event at a nudist resort, but the players felt uncomfortable having naked people watching them from the stands. Of course the nudists objected to wearing clothes since that's why they go to their retreat to begin with. In the end, they could find no middle ground so the whole shebang was scrapped. Too bad. Judging by the above pic, these ladies really can play some football.
In a bit of weirdness, over the weekend I posted a couple of comments on some of your blogs and they never showed up. Not sure what happened...weird!
I think it's weird and funny that the lingerie models and nudists didn't like eachother. Lol!
LOL, I know! Who would have guessed! :^)
Although I never met her, the daughter of one of the people I know was in the first Lingerie Bowl. She, at one time had been a Redskins cheerleader. The pix I saw of her as a cheerleader were quite something.
PM: That's pretty kool! You wouldn't think the cheerleader type would be into such a rough sport, good for her! Wish I could have seen those pics.
That's a woman in that pic?! Boy you weren't kidding about them being able to play some ball. Geez she scares me ;-)
Happy Valentine's Day, sexy! Exchanging chocolate and drinks sounds nice. Some day, maybe next year. In the meantime I'll virtually send you a chocolate drink.
A Secret: She's tuff! ;^)
Anne: Thanks for the virtual drink, looks great actually!
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