Today I want to talk about fashion as it relates to panties. I have been collecting panties for quite a while now, many years, although my attraction to them goes back much farther than that. The majority of my collection has been purchased at stores. This has allowed me to observe the evolution of panties over the duration of my collecting years. What I am refering to here as fashion panties I'll define as panties aimed at style and not neccesarily comfort, something a woman might wear on a date in case the guy ends up seeing them.
It is amazing how quickly panty styles come and go. I tend to browse the panties every few months and usually I'd say that every six months to a year the panties will be cycled. That is, if there was a certain panty you find at the store, it will be gone in 6 months and likely not made anymore. This probably drives collectors to buy more panties than they should, knowing that they won't be able to find them later. I used to buy several of one style, in various colors, but as my collection grew and I began to get tight on space, I started to only buy one of each (usually in white). I now try to limit my panty buying to only what I deem as unique panties, something I don't have.
When I first started going to stores, I'd say the majority of fashion panties were bikini style. Either with a string waistband connecting the front and back, or a thin strip of material. These were almost exclusively full backs. I would browse the panties and find lots of these style. My favorite were at the time were probably the satin bikinis. Thongs were around, but were still considered exotic by mainstream America. The bikini's got smaller and thongs took over a few years later until now, when I'd say perhaps 75 percent of the fashion panties are thongs, with boyleg panties being another 15 percent and misc other styles making up the rest. I do like almost all styles of panties, and think they can look very sexy, but I like the way a bikini or full back follows the curves of a woman.
I used to think grannys were not sexy, but somehow my view of them changed over the years and I find them appealing now. Perhaps it's because they're considered everyday wear and so they are a voyeuristic glimpse into a woman's life. I remember a style they called the flutter, these were bikinis or thongs which had the front and or back material around the leg holes without elastic. They would kind of float around the legs and so the name flutter. This is an example of a type of panty that seems to have vanished, a victim of fashion trends. I guess if there's a lesson to be learned about panty collecting that I can pass on to those starting out, I'd say try to buy only one of each style unless you REALLY like it, and don't pass up on a pair of unique panties, because they may be gone the next time you look.
Lastly, I thought I'd introduce something new. I noticed that Ross over at The Top Drawer often posts pictures from his collection, so I thought I'd do the same and call it "The Panty of the Day" pic or something. In reality, I probably won't be able to post a new pic every day, but I'll try and get a picture up whenever I post. In addition, in the interest of satiating the curiousity of my fellow panty collectors, I'll list any info about the panty that I have.
So for the first ever Panty of the Day we have a Victoria's Secret full back in sheer white with pink hearts and a rhinestone accent and bow. Style number 135689-296. I don't think these are made anymore. Hope you like them!
Oh, man. Thanks for sharing the photos. Those are very pretty. Your observations are right on.
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