Monday, April 20, 2009

Bringin' the Heat

Hola Readers! How are you all doing? Did ya miss me? I took a little time away from the blog (I seem to be going through a dearth of ideas for posts). Spring is the start of the street fair season around here, so I attended my first of the year over the weekend. It couldn't have been nicer, the weather was almost 90 degrees and beer was icy cold! The combo of too much liquor and heat always gives me a headache eventually, but I had a great time wandering through the crowds while my buzz was on. There were tons of people, the heat always seems to draw people outside and even better the ladies dress to impress. Lots of skimpy little shorts and tops, cute little flip flops, sorry no panty sightings to report though. Today's pic is not one of my own, just kind of reminded me of spring breaks past.


Anne said...

Ahhhh... I love summer.

Don't be selfish, Badside. Dress nice so the ladies can enjoy warching you, while you're watching them. ;)

SheenV said...

Nice picture none the less!

SultrySSC said...

I did I did, I missed your posts!

Anonymous said...

Anne: I try my best! ;^)

Sheen: Glad you like!

Sultry: T/Y! Love your profile pic!


Pantymaven said...

Ah Yes! Spring break time! Yummy!

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