Kaixo Readers! As long time readers already know, I am a big street fair junkie. Of course a big part of that is the fact that I love to people watch, especially when the people are pretty girls. I recently attended one of my favorite annual fairs. It's a fave because the most beautiful girls seem to always show up there (it's in a ritzy part of town so you see a lot of snooty types there in fancy cars and clothes). The weather was nice as it usually is, and the girls were out in force. Unfortunately, the fair used to allow the patrons to roam the streets with beer, wine, etc as long as it was either in a brown bag or a plastic cup, but the man has been cracking down and a couple of years ago they started having beer gardens as the only place you can drink. In the past the beer gardens had cute little waist high white picket fences around them, then last year it changed to a green wooden fence that was just high enough to keep people captive, but at least you could see into and out of it. This year they put up a ginormous full on fence with a green tarp around it, so you can no longer see who is in there. Anyway, I decided not to venture into the gardens and just walked along the stands, where there was still plenty to see. There was one woman in particular, walking her tiny dog in a flowing thin materialed short blue dress. Her chest seemed to have been greatly enhanced and the dress was showing off her form quite nicely. She was wearing a thong and as she walked, the dress would go in the crack of her butt and you could see it's lovely shape quite clearly. I'll leave you with that image!