Thursday, May 28, 2009

Long Distance Peeping

Iepa Readers! How is your week going? I'm gonna be out of town for a mini vacay this coming weekend. Yay! Hoping there'll be some pretty girls, which I'll be sure to report to you all when I get back. Speaking of which, I was at a local park recently and saw quite a few lovelies out and about as it was a nice sunny day. The park has a nice garden area where you can stroll around and look at the plants and such, very relaxing. Anyway, near the front of the park there is a large lawn area where people like to lay out and read or sun themselves. As I was walking toward the far end of the lawn toward the gardens, I came across this guy using a professional looking camera on a tripod with a HUGE lens. The lens looked like it was as long as my arm! He had the camera pointed toward the lawn area. I could only assume this guy was trying to get some upskirt shots or something, but then again he wasn't trying to hide in the bushes or anything either so who knows.


SilknSatin said...

Maybe he was snapping pictures of birds in the distant trees! In any case, summer is great, always lots of tantalizing glimpses, right? Have a great vacation, bringing some pretty panties?

Anne said...

I hope you have/had a nice mini vacation.

Strange about the guy with the camera. He was probably a pervert. :p

Pantymaven said...

"Upskirts" and "Downpants"... very pleasurable viewing!

Anonymous said...

SnS and Anne: TY!

PM: So True. :^)


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