Friday, May 08, 2009

Give in to Temptation

Arru Readers! How did your week go? Well, it's the weekend now, time to relax and enjoy yourself. As long time readers already know, I haven't bought much lingerie in the past few years (compared to the past). Anyway, I gave in to weakness and bought a few new items the other day. Victoria's Secret is running a little promo right now and it seems I have a hard time passing up a good deal, especially when it comes to sexy little under things. Actually, when I ordered a couple of days ago, they had free shipping on any order of $50 or more and $10 off any order of $100 or more (offer codes 50free and 10more), but it seems those have been replaced with free shipping on $75 or more and $25 off $150 or more (codes 75free and 25off150). You can try out the old codes, they may still work. Just to get your motors going, the above pic is from Victoria's new "The Lacie" collection, very nice, no?! I'll keep you posted on the new items when they cum in. Have a great weekend everyone!


Pantymaven said...

It still amazes me as to just how much they can charge for so little.

badside said...

So true PM!

SilknSatin said...

Worth every penny though! I have to say that I can feel the quality in VS panties vs something cheap.

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