Monday, May 06, 2013

Amanda Bynes

 Welcome to another week friends!  How about we celebrate a celebrity?  Amanda Bynes is a good one.  She is was so cute and wholesome.  She acted so innocent on her sit com.  Then a short time ago she got in trouble for allegedly hitting a cop car while intoxicated.  I found that hard to believe, she seemed so wholesome, always seemed to stay out of trouble. 

Then it happened again.  Was this just the press trying to drum up excitement?  Perhaps a bad luck streak?  Should we still believe in this persona we'd been spoon fed?

It seems it has all unraveled and we have our answer, unfortunately.  Although it's exciting to see her all tarted up, I don't like to see a human being going down the tubes.  I see homeless people every day and I always think to myself, they were once someone's son or daughter, a child, a student.  What happened to them?  What happened to our Amanda?


  1. Unfortunately, it's a tale told too many times in Hollywood.

  2. Saw a post today that Lohan wants out of the Betty Ford clinic. She has to be the poster child for what's wrong with Hollywood.

  3. I've never heard of her before now, but what a cutie. Hopefully she pulls it together.
