Monday, May 14, 2012

It's Monday!  I had some time over the weekend to hit a couple of stores.  I went to Frederick's, VS, JCP and F21.  Didn't buy anything though, just browsed.  I was a little disappointed and at the same time glad that I actually didn't find anything this time.  Disappointed because I would have liked to have found something new or a bargain at least.  Glad because I didn't just waste my money on something I wasn't crazy about.  There was a micro skirt in hot pink that caught my eye at Fredrick's, but it was a little too pricy and I figured at this point I can only really buy something if it's either cheap or very different from anything else I already own. 

As I've said in the past, I probably own more lingerie than most women do, panties at least.  Funny thing, I think of lingerie as something special, but not all people are the same. I'm sure there are plenty of women out there that think of their undies as nothing more than utilitarian items, something not to be treasured, but used and disposed of when worn out.  Of course these are probably the same people who would seek comfort and affordability above all else and would most likely select the most boring and unsexy panties around.  I can sort of understand how men can buy and get away with boring and unsexy underwear, but (and I know this is a double standard) I don't think a woman should do the same, not when there is such a myriad of choices out there, from cut and style to fabric and materials, patterns, and textures.  Lingerie is a way to celebrate life and being a sexy person, even if no one in the world will ever see you in it (although this would be a terrible waste).  Do it for yourself, celebrate YOU and when you feel good, others will take notice and the sexiness shall infect their brains and you will be irresistible to them (or at least a whole lot more attractive).

The picture above was pilfered from the Stocking Addiction tumbler page of Gordon Pym.  Click on the pic for a larger version (better for your enjoyment).


  1. With all the panties I've seen and known the women who wore them through the years I've often wondered what triggered their choices. I can understand practicality being a major factor with women with young children. However, there have been a few that I could tell were truly fashion conscious by the choice of clothes they wore and I pretty much figured that it carried over to their lingerie as well.

  2. I wear lingerie under my everyday clothes a lot. Even under jeans. It is kind of silly when I am doing mundane things while sporting a garter belt and hose but it does help me spice up otherwise boring times throughout the day. I love knowing what I have lurking beneath my clothes and I can always be ready if a naughty situation arises...It never ceases to make me feel sexy.

  3. PM: Interesting, but it makes perfect sense, a person who cares about the way they look would choose something special to wear under those pretty clothes.

    Rebecca: You'd be sexy no matter what you wore, but it's so hot knowing you go the extra mile like that! You never cease to be sexy! ;^)
