Friday, November 28, 2008

Red Carpet

Howdy Readers! I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving. Did you eat a lot of delicious home cooking? I've never been one who likes battling mobs of people at the mall, so in the past I have always tried to get my holiday shopping done early. Last year I did a lot of my shopping on line too. I'm not criticizing others, but to me the idea of getting to the store at 4 AM the day after Thanksgiving seems like torture. I can definitely understand the high one must get from being one of the few people to get one of the teaser promotionals at a dirt cheap price though.

Not sure if any of you are big music fans, but I watched some of the AMA awards on TV the other night. I love these red carpet events where the stars get all swanked up for the cameras. You always see something unusual or sexy being worn. At the risk of becoming a Rihanna fan blog, I have to post these two pics of her at the event. When she won her award the camera followed her up the stairs to the stage. She was very lady like and held the back of her dress down, much to my dismay as I was hoping to see her panty covered or bare ass under there.


  1. Was Beyonce on the show? I just *love* her!!

  2. She was there and looking spectacular!
