Sunday, July 13, 2008

A Helping Hand

Hello Readers! Today's count, six weeks, three days. Yes, I am still abstaining from cumming. I was going to shoot my load off back at the six week mark, but ran out of time. It wasn't for lack of trying, I had stroked my cock for over an hour while watching some hard core porn. I wanted to make the action last at least two hours, so I just had to stop and wait til I got a nice long stretch of time. My poor cock was pretty sore anyway from all the stroking it's been getting, so I suppose it was a nice rest for it.

The main purpose of today's post isn't really about me at all, but to alert you all to a fellow blogger in need. I speak of "A Slip of a Girl" blog, where she is trying to raise some capital for a trip to see her friend Jewel who is now in hospice. We are all aware of the skyrocketing price of gas as of recent, so I'm sure that it's quite understandable that she might need a few buckaroonies to help get her to her destination. I'll try and ride my bike a few times instead of drive and give the gas money I save to her. If you can, it's pretty easy to give via Amazon and it's completely anonymous if you so choose. At any rate what better way to feel good than helping others in need?

Be back soon, til then thanks for stopping in.


  1. You're so sweet!

    Also - I can't beleive you've been abstaining so long!! It is going to feel amazing when you finally allow yourself release!

    Have you noticed any psychological effects?

  2. Aw shux Shay...I'm blushing!
