Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Garter Belts and Cartoons
Hola Readers! How's your week shaping up? As Bon Jovi says "we're half way there" (sing it with me people). Anyway, Sheen was saying how he was looking for a garter belt and it just so happens I spotted this one recently on one of my little lingerie quests. It's called the Diamond Heart garter belt, it's new, it's fabulous and it's only at Victoria's Secret. It can be yours for a mere $22 USD. "We wants it....We NEEDS it!" Oooh La La! Just look at those pretty ruffles around the waist...mmmmm!
Also found this little gem while cruisin' the net. A 404 is some kind of term for an error, I think when a page or file is missing. Anyway, what a great place holder, I suspect we have a panty fanatic among us somewhere! Is it somehow possible to find a strange anime character to be a turn on? Not that I'd give myself a hand shake under the table over it, but I have to admit this image is somehow stimulating to me. There, I said it, I got excited by a cartoon! ;^)
Thanks for the tip & the picture! I may just head out to the mall at lunch as see if the local VS carrys that garter.