Monday, March 26, 2007

Rock n Roll Baby!

Welcome Everyone! Hope you all had a good weekend. No, you haven't gone to the wrong blog, this is indeed your Badside. Not sure what made me think of posting this, but it popped in my mind the other day. This is a painting done by Robert Williams back in the 70's I think. Guns and Roses used it for their cover art on the Appetite For Destruction album. Apparently it caused such a stir that MTV refused to show any G n' R videos until they agreed to change the album cover to the now famous skull laden cross symbol (the flip side of the CD jacket). After all of that MTV agreed to play a G n R video at 2 AM, once only, but it became the most requested video of the time. MTV of course gave in and began showing all the G n R videos and the rest is history. So there you have it, panties that made history! Rock on!

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