Friday, November 10, 2006

Happy Veteran's Day

Happy Veteran's Day. I know these aren't really V day panties, but I had this picture ready, so you'll have to excuse me. These are another store brand, made of nylon, very sheer and pretty well constructed. The material itself is not all that stretchy, so I thnk in the end these will hold up better than those which have more lycra in them. The elastic is doing great, after having owned these for three or four years. They have a shimmery sheen to the fabric which I find is a nice touch. The best aspect is the sheerness of the material though, very sexy.

Not sure what's going on this weekend for me, kind of feeling down lately. Maybe it's the weather or my poor diet the last few weeks (too much fatty food). Anyway, I've been really grouchy and not the most pleasant person to be around. I've got a lot of stuff on my plate and I'm hoping that I can clear it up in the coming weeks.

On a happier note, it seems that panties are cropping up all over in the general entertainment arena. You see them on TV at least once a week. On the Sunday night show "The War at Home" on Fox, the father of the family is imagining his teen daughter's life in the future and he sees her still living in his house, working as a stripper and leaving her kid at home for him to take care of. In this scenario she is dressed provocatively in tight, low cut pants with her panties showing. A very nice image, unless you're her father! I saw that a few weeks back, the image just popped into my head as I was writing.

Ross updated his blog a little while back, very nice. I like the map thingy, very interesting. I don't even have a counter, so I have no idea how many people actually read my ramblings here. Any suggestions on what counter to use? It's nice to see all those dots on Ross' map, knowing there are panty people out there who appreciate his writing as much as I do. I kind of assume that I only have my two regulars (Ross and PM), both of who I have come to know and like. Who knows maybe there are more of you out there than I know.

Almost forgot to tell you guys. Last Saturday I was at the new mall here in town with my buddy. We were standing by the escalators when I noticed this cute girl, maybe 18 to 21 years old, wearing a very short skirt. I didn't want to be too obvious, but I tried to get a peek at her panties. Dang it, the skirt was just long enough where you couldn't see. Still, it was fun to at least get a chance. I wonder what kind of panties she had on.

Have a great weekend everyone! See ya soon.