Monday, July 24, 2006

The Begining

I've been collecting panties since I was a kid. I still remember the first pair and the very start of my collection. I was a paper boy and one very early morning I found a pair of Vasarette blue nylon panties. I remember being very excited to have found them and stuffing them into my pocket. This was near the end of my route, so I hurried and finished my deliveries and rushed home to examine my new found treasure. When I got home, I snuck into the bathroom and took them out to look at them in private. The material was shiny and smooth and the lace was soft. They were obviously well used, as they appeared to have been worn and laundered many times, the tag inside was barely legible. They were dark/royal blue colored bikinis with thin white lace trim around the waist and leg openings. Unlike most panties, the crotch area does not have a cotton liner, so they are the same material, sheerness and thickness all over. They must have been wonderful to feel soft warm flesh through the light and thin silky nylon. I'm sure I must have attempted to smell them, but do not recall them ever having any female scents (not that I'd have known what that would have smelled like at the time). I've often wondered (and fantasized) who's panties they were and what situation she was in when she lost them. Perhaps she was having a wild night in someone's car? I'll never know, but I thank you whoever you are for giving me so much pleasure over the years! I still have them in my collection, they're the pair pictured with this post. Hope you like them!
Thanks for reading!

PS: Just wanted to say "Hi" to Ross and leave a link to his blog, The Top Drawer.


  1. Ahhh... the list grows. :-)

    Hi... I'd like for you to take a look at my blog since you enjoys panties too. Just click on my name (as I did to get to yours) and see if it has any interest for you.

    In reading yours I noted that you prefer the full brief just as I do. There are a few of us left, thank god!

  2. Wow. Thanks for the shout out. I do appreciate it. And what a story. Like a dream come true. Looking forward to more. And the pic as well.

