Wednesday, April 03, 2013

Shopping Trip

I had some spare time recently and decided I wanted to check out some local stores.  The first place I looked was a shoe store.  This store specializes in exotic types shoes, in other words stripper shoes.  The store was small and dingy looking, like it could use a good cleaning.  There was an older gentleman sitting in a chair when I walked in.  He looked kind of surprised to see me and I just said hello to him.  He seemed slightly unfriendly, but who knows, he left me alone to browse the shoes.

The selection of shoes wasn't massive by any means.  If I had to guess, I'd say there were less than fifty different shoes on display.  Most were of the clear sole variety and very high heeled.  There was a sticker on all the shoes that said they were only available from sizes 5 through 12.  The prices were a little high for my tastes, so I refrained from any purchases even though there were maybe three shoes that really caught my eye.

The next store I hit was an exotic dancer clothing store.  They had a pretty good selection of outfits and costumes.  Many of the pieces seemed slightly cheap in construction although I can't be completely sure.  They had pretty much any fantasy costume you could imagine.  Lots of naughty school girl skirts and tops and micro skirts.  I was very tempted to buy a skirt or top, but again refrained due to the highish prices.  The clerk in this store was a woman who was very friendly, saying hello when I entered and not looking surprised or shocked in any way, which put me more at ease.  I may go back someday and buy something just because I know places like these won't be able to stay around unless people go down there and support them.  If they fold then we'll be reliant on the internet for all our naughty shoes and clothes.  We won't be able to try things on before we buy or have any interaction with the sales people.

The third place I checked out was a sex shop.  There was a friendly guy in his 20's at the counter.  I looked around a bit from the center of the small room. One side had some gay accessories, one area had female toys, then there was some fetish items like handcuffs and such.  Toward the back of the store there was a DVD/Blu Ray area that had racks of porno movies that were separated into categories.  The prices were OK on the movies.

On the back wall of the video area there was a doorway that had a sign stating that the preview area had a ten dollar entrance fee.  A patron could go back there and "sample" the movies.  I could hear the moans of pleasure coming from beyond the doorway, the soundtrack of a porn movie someone was enjoying back there.

So at the end of my trip I walked away with no purchased items, but a much better idea of what was out there and where I might go or not go when and if I might get the urge to purchase something.


  1. I haven't been to a sex shop for quite a while but it's amazing to hear that they still have the special rooms for previewing pornos. A bit off subject, but does anyone else miss the old porno movie theaters? As far as I know, they've all disappeared.

  2. As for unfriendly sales staff, few can compare to the former manager of my local Macy's lingerie department. An older woman, she was friendly enough the first time we met as she assumed I was shopping for my wife/girlfriend. She was genuinely shocked when I bluntly informed her that I was actually shopping for myself. Frankly, I don't know how you can sell panties for a living and not realize that this kind of thing is common. After that she was openly hostile and did her best to encourage me to shop elsewhere, which had the opposite effect! She eventually disappeared (retired?) and was replaced with a perky woman in her 20s who apparently had no misgivings about a man who likes to wear women's underwear.

  3. badside,

    You may not want to post this but I do not know how to contact you any other way.

    You have been such a supporter of my blog and I wanted to let you know that I appreciate it. You sense of taste matters to me and I thank you.


  4. Malcolm, it's people like that sales lady that keep me from revealing myself to sales people. I shouldn't care though. Kudos to you for not letting her win!

    As for porn theaters, I don't think there are any left. It would have been interesting to go to one and experience a movie that way.

    Nick, thank you my friend, that's high praise indeed coming from you!

  5. I don't blame you for not wanting reveal yourself. It took me a very long time to work up enough courage to tell a clerk in a lingerie department what I was really doing. What I discovered is that most don't register any surprise which tells me that this kind of thing is probably much more common than we think. A few seemed to think that the whole idea was "cute" (like that perky girl at Macy's.) A handful reacted as though I was some kind of deviant pervert, but they actually are outnumbered by the ones who thought it was cute and both of these were vastly outnumbered by the clerks who didn't care one way or the other.

    Just some thoughts from a guy who has been wearing women's underwear full time since he was 18!

  6. Sometimes there are downright pleasant experiences, too. There was a lady at the local Kmart who worked in the clothing department who came up to me one day when I was looking at panties. She had me pegged instantly and told me that her husband prefers the women's Joe Boxers that they sell quite inexpensively. We had a nice conversation. She admitted that she was worried at first that he liked to wear panties, but over time it "tickled" her that he did and now she said it is actually a turn-on. I wasn't completely convinced that she wasn't sizing me up for a threesome, but it was probably my imagination.

  7. If you go back to my post about buying the Plymouth nylon satin panties in the city, I had to endure the grouchy old man who was actually indifferent to weather I bought anything at all. It takes all kinds!

  8. I'm a transsexual, as well as have been on hormones most of my adult life. I've had both girlfriends as well as boyfriends thru it all as well as have had the honor of living full time. Negative people in the sales departments I've noticed don't stick round long, as the younger generation could really care less, as well as happy to have us. Payless shoes, body central, alloy, Fredericksburg of Hollywood even penneys and Macy's has come a long way.

    Hugs to you all for taking the time to share your beauty in radiance as to letting it out or sharing

    Hugs;) staci

  9. Oh and here as of lately I really do love the slur tier fashions as well as thankYou for the story
