Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Porn 101

Bongu Readers!  As I was fixing some breakfast yesterday morning I found myself hearing a tune in my head.  I started humming it and then realized it was music from a porno movie I'd watched.  LOL!  Reminds me of  a time I was walking someplace, I forget where, and some guy near me was whistling a song from a porno that I recognized.  I wonder if he even realized where the song came from or if he was doing it on purpose?  He did seem rather jovial!

Porn seems to have it's own genre of music doesn't it?  I mean if you heard it, you'd immediately think, "that sounds like porn music".  I bet even people who don't watch porn would think it sounded like porn music.  Bow Chicka Bow Wow!

In the old porn, when they were actually thinking they were making real movies, they'd produce real music sometimes with orchestras and real instruments.  Then in the 80's it got more glam rock style, with lots of electric guitars, drum machines and keyboard synths.  Then the music became less and less important, until today when you can find lots of gonzo stuff with no music in it at all.

Ever hear of Andrew Blake?  He is or was a porn director.  His genius was that he realized the acting talent was, um, not the greatest, so he minimized the dialog and concentrated on visuals.  In order to do this he had lots of electronic music to mask the lack of dialog.  If you've never seen one of his films, try to get your hands on one (or try to keep one hand free anyway).  He really advanced the porn genre with his ideas and high concept photography.  His films predated the gonzo films, which are sort of polar opposites of his style.  His fucking was almost robotic and super clean looking (think Robert Palmer's video for Addicted to Love) as opposed to gonzo where everything appears to be unscripted and wild.

OK class, that's it for today's history of porn lesson.  Now I want you to read chapter eight tonight and write a one page report on the dawn of the shaved vagina and how it affected society in North America.  Oh and please, I will not accept papers with cum stains on them.


  1. What happened to Flash Gordon and Princess Aura?

  2. Still working on that one. Cumming soon my friend.
