Monday, June 25, 2012

All Hail Princess Aura

Hello Readers!  Are there any fans of the 1980 Space Opera, "Flash Gordon" out there?  I watched this as a child and remember being sadly disappointed.  I'd expected a "Star Wars" type movie and was given some kind of crazy musical instead.  The genius of the film was lost on my undeveloped brain.  Even as a boy though, one thing that did stick out to me was the woman who played Princess Aura, Ornella Muti.  Her beauty overwhelmed everything else.  Even a child could see that she was the very embodiment of female sexuality.  She oozed sex from every pore and any man who saw her lusted for her nectar and longed for a taste.  She was like a Milo Manara illustration come to life, a living, breathing idealization of his minds creations.

Being a European actress, she went on to star in many films, many of which included nudity or sexual overtness, but sadly most of which never made it to the US.  My lust for her was rekindled when I went to see a French film titled "Un Couple Epatant" or "An Amazing Couple" en Anglais.  When I saw her on screen, I was once again captivated by her.  She looked so familiar, but where had I seen her?  I looked her up and was amazed to find out that this was the same woman who had played Princess Aura.  As you can see below in the pic of her in the light blue dress, time has been kind to her indeed.

As I have indicated, Flash Gordon has subsequently migrated over to my "like" basket of movies, surely the inclusion of lovely Ornella in the cast had some doing in that.  I actually had a bunch of pics of her stored on my computer somewhere for my personal viewing pleasure, but they seem to have been deleted or lost somehow.

I enjoyed "An Amazing Couple", it was part of a trilogy, almost a high budget experiment by it's director Luca Belvaux.  Each part of the trilogy is done in a different genre, yet the stories all intertwine with one another, like seeing things from different points of view and with a different mind set in each.  This film was the romantic comedy portion.  For fans of foreign cinema or people who want to explore experimental films, I can recommend watching these.  If you choose to watch only one, I'd pick "An Amazing Couple" it was my favorite of the three.  You will enjoy seeing Ornella!


  1. Yay! I loved the 80s Flash Gordon --- and Barbarella from the 60s (?). Very camp and sexy.

  2. I only saw Barbarella once, the opening credits is what I remember (Wow!). Will have to rent that one again sometime.

  3. It escaped me but, after seeing the pix you posted, I can see I really missed seeing a real beauty!

  4. PM: The movie is definitely not for everyone, maybe even an acquired taste. From what I know, it was a flop in theaters, but in later years became somewhat of a cult classic. Keep in mind that cult classics tend to be quirky before you rent it. Ornella is a stunning beauty in it though.

  5. She was on my blog ages ago. As I recall, I put an "Easter Egg" link on her picture. No one ever found it.

    I highly recommend visiting youtube and searching for princess aura and the bore worms. Her butt in that red spandex was inspiring to say the least.

    Ann and I saw Flash Gordon together at the theater, and we both wanted to fuck Ms. Muti! We settled for each other instead.

  6. JL: That's cool, an Easter egg huh?! "Not the bore worms!" Her butt in red spandex was spectacular! Sounds like a wonderful memory with Ann.

  7. AH! aura! What a lovely reason for being a sissy!

  8. Flash Gordon is just fun from beginning to end and aura is one of the best things in it.
    Prefer the version from the cartoon though.
